My model is “Not responding”

My model is “not responding” as the file is 18.5mb and my laptop has a i3 core processor(which is old). I can’t alter my model as I have but it into one group and when I try to ‘explode it’ or do pretty much anything it says ‘not responding’. How can I fix this? Would this problem disappear if I used an Apple Mac desktop that is new-ish as my laptop is old?

I’m using Sketch Up Make 2017

How long did you wait, once it said not responding?

A new Mac desktop would likely be many times faster - what are the specs?

I don’t know the specs but I gave up waiting as it took too long to load, so I closed it down and tried again and again. Still doesn’t work

In general, an 18 MB file should not cause this issue with an i3 laptop (the file is not too large).

If you can share/upload the model via the 3D Warehouse (50MB limit file) - we could have a look and see what issues the file itself may have.

See this compendium of performance modeling tips:

How can I upload my model so you can see what the issue is?

3D Warehouse

Create an account to upload models.

You can remove the model any time as well.

I’ve uploaded it if you can check what’s the problem with it? Thanks

You should provide a link to the uploaded file…

These plants consists of > 12000 elements each (and all 18 copies are groups and not copied components).

These pumpkins consists of nearly 23000 entities…

If you try to explode the model without them, it will be much faster.
(Is there a specific goal you want to reach with the exploded model?)


How do you make them into components?

What does “component” do?