My measure tool only shows red

I am trying to measure imported images to scale.

My tape measure is default as red, and when I hit the “option” button my mac, it changes the tool but it never appears as yellow.

I am looking for a solution for it to be able to to turn yellow since I have tried a number of solutions without any luck. Thoughts?

Show us a screenshot of what you are seeing.

If you are referring to the Tape Measure tool, there’s no reason it should appear as yellow. It’s red and blue.

When I watch videos, the tape measure tool is always yellow when attempting to scale an image correctly. They toggle between tape measure tool options with the “option” button, but mine never turns yellow.

Those are old videos you’re watching. The cursors were changed a while back. Don’t fixate on the color of the cursor. The thing that changes is the display of the red guidepoint at the top left. Tapping Option on Mac turns that on an off.

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