My cursor is not changing to the tool icon I have selected and instead just remains the cursor arrow

My cursor is not changing to the tool icon I have selected and instead just remains the cursor arrow. So for example, if I choose the draw mode the black arrow remains and there is no pencil icon to indicate that I have chosen draw mode. Any advice?

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That has happened to me before, too. I usually just save, log off and log back on. The tools then come back.

You can complete your profile by specifying your graphic card.

Use the Apple Menu → About this Mac.

This may help some of us to pinpoint the problem.

I’m having the same problem. I tried logging out and restarting sketchup, which worked, but only until I selected a second tool. Then icons started disappearing again.

I am using Sketchup on an external monitor, with my MacbookPro’s cover closed, in case that’s relevant.(?!!?) Also an external keyboard. [obviously]

It seems to be an internal variable’s switch setting that’s not getting set correctly, because it’s easy to get the tool icon back [temporarily]
e.g. To use the L)ine tool, then E)raser I can do this:

  • L (no tool shows, just the arrowhead)**
  • Space (Select tool)
  • L (now the icon for the Line tool shows as normal)
  • E (erase tool icon doesn’t show, but select arrow does)**
  • Space (Select again)
  • E (eraser icon shows and works as normal)

** these tools do work with the arrow showing, instead of the tool icon.

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So I ended up working with the SketchUp support (thank you Tim) and it took some time to work out. First off, there is a specific way to load the app in Applications, which I had not done correctly. Here is the link I was sent for that:
Pay close attention to what happens at 49 seconds in, as this demonstrates what you may have not done correctly when installing SketchUp.

Video example:

Still, that didn’t seem to resolve it. And yes, I have the same set up as you with the external monitor and MacBook Pro close and that did seem to be part of the issue.

In the end we ended up deleting the app, re-installing it as shown above, then fussing around a bit and finally shutting down the MacBook Pro and restarting.

After all of this the icons have reappeared. Try these steps and if it doesn’t work then I think the best thing to do is to email the support team. They are super helpful.

My problem resolved itself after a Mac OS update, so I can’t tell where the original issue lay…

What Mac OS verssion did you update to?

Please update your forum profile. It says you are using Windows not Mac.

Capture d’écran 2024-09-16 à 21.16.17

you mean the big arrow that shows you you’re supposed to place the folder in the application folder ?
yes, it’s generally a bad idea to store applications from outside the application folder. many will still launch, but mac os kinda expect the apps to be there. and so do the devs :slight_smile:

I updated to Sequoia 15.0 (general release). There was also, now that I think about it, a small update to Sketchup which might have been responsible.

Re: profile. My PC is my office machine, where I’m usually modeling. Sometimes I’m on the road and will use my Mac, which is what happened to notice the missing icons. The Mac is an M1 Pro with 16GB RAM.

Upgrading to Sequoia might not have been a great idea. Some users have already reported issues .

The update to SketchUp 2024 did fix the problem for me on Windows.