Move in wasd

I think there is probably room for a little sarcasm in this thread. :smile: The funny thing is that the walk around tool does almost what the OP wants. If they had just asked a civil question…


i tried that walk tool and the collisions keep getting in the way and the alt button doesnt work to turn off collisions.

i sort of see your middle mouse button click hold to orbit but its still could be improved

they need to put wasd controls in sketchup to make it better


there should just be a little picture of an video game controller or some tiny icon thats grey and looks like a controller and when u click it instead of moving around the project with the way the walk tool does it lets u move around the project exactly like you would in halo 5 forge


I’m sorry, I really don’t understand this request.

Sketchup is a modelling programme that has its own set of navigation controls. When learning a new software package, part of that process is learning the controls to navigate.

I’ve never played Halo, but I accept that if I did, I would have to learn the navigation controls. I would not expect to be able to use the same controls I use is Sketchup. In the same way, the navigation controls in Microsoft software are different.

Sketchup is not a video game.

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I prefer WAXD over WASD

I tried WAXD once, but it hurt more than I thought it would. :rofl:

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Halo has been around nearly as long as SketchUp, and possibly longer than the Mac version. I have played most Halo games, including completing Halo 1, 2, and 3, on Legendary.

When you want to do something in SketchUp that isn’t already built into the program, you can develop an extension to do that. It looks like nobody has done an ASDW/mouse look extension, perhaps you could develop one?

I think it would be a neat way to move around the model. In the meantime, a lot of people achieve a similar way of working by using a SpaceMouse. That would also let you move around a model in a similar way to how a first person shooter game would work.


To play devil’s advocate let me know when SU makes Halo money. :wink:
$4.6 billion so far.

Lol at the op’s comments

what functions do i call for pan and zoom controls in sketchup. also what functions for orbit and. i need this to remap keyboard functions if i write my own plugin

wtf is ruby

camera =[5, 5, 9], [5, 10, 0], Z_AXIS)
view = Sketchup.active_model.active_view = camera

this controls the camera and sets the view to almost the origin

i need to pull functions from the pan and orbit classes

invoke a new tool instance

I don’t think there is a pan or obit class (but then I don’t know much about the SketchUp API). You should be able to do everything you want to do by setting the location you want to look at, and the location that your eye is at.

Look at the first example in this page:

genx vs boomer

to make a wasd extension you need to create a new tool
that new tool includes functions from the pan tool
and includes functions from the orbit tool

and you basically do onNewToolClick includes start at origin [2,5,5,]
vector up [1]
then you need to make it
using system.IO()
if onKeyPress(w) then
do pan.tool (zoom.forward)
break if keyPressW.keyUnpressed

and you need some if onKeyPress(s) then
do pan.tool (zoom.backward)
break if keyPressS.keyUnpressed

#detects LMB held down pan funciton
then if onKeyPress(a) then
do pan.tool (leftMouseButtonHoldDown.MouseAxisDetect [0,1++,0])
break if keyPressA.keyUnpressed

#detects LMB held down pan funciton
then if onKeyPress(d) then
do pan.tool (leftMouseButtonHoldDown.MouseAxisDetect [0,1–,0])
break if keyPressd.keyUnpressed

newclass MouseOrbit

inhereits Sketchup::tools.Orbit
if RightMouseButton.Pressed = orbit funciton enabl;e

map mouse movement to orbit tool if newtool.selected and right mouse button does orbit

Get one of these instead:


Because SketchUp only supports one character shortcuts, assigning 4 of them costs to much keyboard realestate when modeling.
If your model is ready (end edit mode?) it could be a user’s preference to automatically switch to ‘navigation mode’

Enscape has wasd control, I am sure there are other renders that support it, to.

As @gsharp noted, this could be a gen thing.

Anyway, you can still sign up here:

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PS, WASD navigation is a pain for left handers :slight_smile:

This all seems to be what we used to call “baby duck syndrome “: whatever you first fixate on will forever be your mother; nothing else will ever be as good.


Most games that use ASDW also use the arrow keys for the same movements.

As for that taking up a lot of keyboard shortcuts, including the inference lock keys, I had imagined the FPS controller as putting you into a mode where keypresses are intercepted, as you might see with Solid Inspector for example. You would close the FPS controller to return to normal modeling.

Ok cool