I have a model made up of multiple components. Sometimes when selecting a component the whole model moves to a different location. When selecting another component it moves back again. It seems to be the components with more than one instance that are causing this issue.
It would help if you would share the SketchUp model file. Might be caused by incorrect scaling or by geo-location.
I’m new to Sketchup so there might not be anything unusual happening.
letterbox.skp (31.2 KB)
I’m not seeing the model moving around when I select or open components for editing. Is it possible that it’s just the axis display that is giving you that impression? When you open an object (group or component) for editing, the object’s axes are displayed instead of the model axes. To show that the model is staying put I placed guidelines on the model axes. You can see they are remaining in the same place as I go through opening the different components.
The axis orientation for some of the components seems kind of strange but I expect it’s due to changes you made to the components after they were created.
One of the odd one, here.
Here I’ve revised your model a bit. Fixed the axes. It does seem like a bit of unneeded nesting but I left that alone.
letterbox revised axes.skp (57.6 KB)
I agree that your concern about things moving may have been an illusion due to you opening a group for edit and the displayed axes changing to the group’s axes instead of the model axes (normal behavior when editing a group or component). @DaveR opted to fix the axes in the groups rather than explode them, but that left me wondering what you intended by grouping the sets of duplicate components in the first place. If it was for control of visibility, tags/layers would be a better way to do that. If it was to allow moving them simultaneously, you can do that by selecting the components together, either adding them one by one by pressing ctrl or by dragging a selection box over them. Then the move tool will move them together as a unit without needing a group.
Thanks @DaveR. I’m not sure what I did wrong for that to happen.
Do you mean for the axes to be positioned as you had them? The object axes are normally created such that they are parallel to the model axes and their origin is at the lower front left of the object’s bounding box. Once the axes are created you can edit the geometry and move it within the bounding box. Alternatively there are ways to actually move the axes once the object has been created.
Generally for models like yours the best practice would be to set the axes to align with the geometry such that the bounding box fits the geometry as tightly as possible.
@slbaumgartner, it just seemed like the logical way to organize the different objects.
Consider that while there are some useful reasons for nesting, it can also get in the way of efficient modeling. Even in much more complex furniture models that I create I limit nesting and often don’t bother with any.
FWIW, I made a few more revisions to your model. I eliminated the nesting and added tags/layers to control visibility of the components. I also used Flip Along to mirror left and right instances of components. It may not matter at the moment but later it could if you decide to add joinery details or make other modifications.
letterbox revised axes.skp (49.2 KB)