Model Does Not Open

Hi! I have been working with a model for a while and now it will not open. I have put a lot of hours of work into it and I don’t want to lose it. My computer has an NVDIA card (Dell XPS) and it has all features to properly work with SketchUp.

What happens when you try to open it? Can you share the file so we can try to sort it out for you?

Hi! Thanks for responding! How can I share the file? It says I can’t share over 16MB.

Upload to Drop Box or We Transfer and share the link.

I don’t have we transfer. Let me get that program.

Let me know if this link works, first time using We Transfer.

It’s downloading now.

I can open my other models, but this one stays in a loop.

It’s starting to open on my machine. By the size of it I’m guessing you let it get out of hand. Back shortly.

It opens, but then it gets slow and then goes on a loop. It was fine yesterday. I started having problems today.

OK. It’s opened for me. Lots of obese components. Looks like a lot of stuff from the 3D Warehouse. You should be cleaning them up before adding them to your model.

Fixed incorrect tag usage. Can’t say I’ve seen a model this bad in a long time.
Screenshot - 8_26_2022 , 4_47_51 PM

Purged unused stuff from the file. Not a lot of unused components or materials in this file but it accounts for about 15% of the file size and isn’t helping anything.
Screenshot - 8_26_2022 , 4_54_18 PM

Lots of excessively large texture images, which should reduced to reasonable sizes.

Quite a few exposed back faces that should be corrected. There should be no blue back faces showing.

I don’t have time to clean up the entourage but maybe your computer will handle this file.

Before you go make anymore additions to the file you should go through and delete stuff you don’t need, look at reducing the components you are keeping and clean up the the reversed faces. Look critically at the smaller details. Do they add important information to the story you’re trying to tell? For example the mechanical pencils are very heavily detailed. Nice if your model is all about the pencils but way too much detail for your entire project. Even the spiral binding on the notebook is excessive.

That’s just one example. There are lots of those things to examine in your model.

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Thanks for all the help! I am a student, so I am just learning this program. Have downloaded and converted components from Turbosquid too, as a lot of the furniture is not available in 3D Warehouse. How can I clean up those before I use them in the model?

I have also used files converted from DWG.

The pencils and the notebook are from 3d warehouse

Best practice no matter where the components come from is to open them in a separate SketchUp file and look to see what can be removed. Clean up and streamline the components before you add them to your project file. Take those pencils, for example. Is the text on them important? Does anyone really care how hard the lead is or what the catalog number is?

Doesn’t mean they are suitable for the way they are used in your model. You have a ton of geometry invested in those small objects while the telephone on the same desk is relatively light. And the laundry machines in the kitchen are just boxes with images on the front. They are very low poly.

There’s lots of what looks like junk left out in the yard that probably isn’t needed. You could delete that stuff and purge more unused stuff from the file.

Is there a plug-in you could suggest that cleans up dense components?

You can use Skimp from Mindsight Studios to do some of that but you really should learn to do it yourself because no extension will be able to make all of the decisions correctly.

Ok. Thanks for your help! I will need to get instruction on that, don’t know how to do it.

It takes time to learn to use the software. You might start with

Then it’s just a matter of editing the components and groups in your model and deleting stuff that doesn’t add to what you are trying to communicate.