Model Disappeared, Need Help Please!

I believe my file has a glitch or 2. My model has completely disappeared.

You must share your model if you want others to try to save it,

Of course haha

Laatsch.skp (5.6 MB)


As best I can tell, you have somehow erased everything in your model space. The file still contains a lot of component definitions, but there are no instances placed in the model. The good news is that means you can probably reconstruct your model without redrawing everything. The bad news is that you will have to figure out where each component belongs and drag a copy from the components window to the right place. This will be tedious, as there are 1045 component definitions in the file. I have no way to guess how many of them are irrelevant things you no longer need! All information about where they may have been before is missing, so there is no way to do this automatically.

How would I go about doing this? Im not able to view anything

Open the components window and see what you recognize there. When you find something whose intended place you know, drag a copy from the window into the model space and click to place it where it belongs. Try to find components that abut each other so you can put each one correctly against previous ones. As I wrote, this will be tedious. But the only alternative is to trash the model and start all over.

Apologies, Im just not getting it. When I pull up components on the tray is says nothing is selected. I cant select anything because I cant see anything in my plane.

Thank you for the help by the way

You can drag your components in from the Components panel after you set it to In Model. Like this.

My guess is there was a lot more to your model than these components but these components are all that is left.

I don’t suppose you were also saving backups of your model to your Trimble Connect storage were you?

Oh man i feel like a goof. Yup there was definelty a lot more there. And of course nope, I was not saving backups. Can you Trimble Connect to automatically save?

SketchUp doesn’t automatically save to Trimble Connect. You have to do that yourself. You should save to both the internal drive on your computer and to Trimble Connect. Saving to Trimble Connect creates incremental saves so you can go back to an earlier version if needed.

A comment on components: Even if you delete the model from the model space as you appear to have done in this case, the In Model components remain available as long as you haven’t purged unused content. That means you can bring them back in to your model. Unfortunately there’s no such In Model collection for groups or ungrouped geometry so you have to be very careful not to delete that stuff.