Model Along Live! More Machine Parts!

I should have said with native tools only and with “image match” only.
So maybe try once again.

After I created the mesh of the curved part using lines and arcs, I used Curviloft to skin the mesh.

What extension? I drew an arbitrary 2-point arc and changed its radius in Entity info


A screenshot of both the image and the model, all in one:

As for the curved part, like @Anssi said, no extention is needed.
On a side note, the ‘2-Point Arc’ tool also accept radii as input. Pay attention to the distance between both clicked points. After that a radius value input > 1/2 distance is accepted like… value r [Enter]
Values r less than 1/2 the distance trigger a warning: Radius is too small
Don’t forget the r, otherwise you will input the bulge.

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I will admit I’m a match photo noob. But I don’t understand why match photo would be used for an item that is simple and has all the dimensions available? I enjoy the task of using the dimensions available to re-create the item.

I would guess the challenge is also to replicate the exact camera angle?

The png is an isometric view. As are the machine parts images at the beginning of this thread. As most likely the image at the beginning of the other thread. Match photo for non perspective drawings?
I (wrongly) assumed that this was obvious.

I see what you’re getting at now, It’s an interesting idea. I’ll have to give it a go.

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Some interesting isometric views out there just don’t have all the necessary measurements to create them realistically. As long as you know they are iso this method may help you out to get close.

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Another one based on an image from Jody’s link. Now I have to go run the snow blower.