The Plugins menu is renamed Extensions in v2015.
One of Trimble’s worst ideas ever…
Messing up reuse of plists and the years of ‘usage’ notes, received ‘Plugins’ wisdom and advice…
You CAN copy across a MAC’s plist from v2014 and edit it in a plain text editor, and replace all ‘Plugins’ with ‘Extensions’.
Save it and relaunch SketchUp, and that should then make available those equivalent shortcuts - of course assuming that the Plugins are installed and they now appear under the Extensions menu list…
Thank you that seemed to have worked. Sorry for the delay getting back, i thought i would receive notifications.
Great thats solved that problem, now i’m trying to make shortcuts available to my windows aswell, as i’m cross platform. I’ll have to start another post for that
just figured out the hard way - that although indeed, Plugins menu is renamed Extensions - “ThomThom’s plugins” is not (which is irrelevant if you dont have the plugin but will same you some frustration if you do.)
Hi there, Ive changed my keyboard shortcuts on my mac but they get reset every time I quite SU. I went looking for the file structure ‘Users/Edward/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2015/SketchUp/Shortcuts.plist’ on my mac but I dont even have a library folder under my user folder much less Application Support folder etc. Im on mavericks not that it should have anything to do with it.
Read above - it explains how to fix it…
Remember the Plugins versus Extensions issue when copying plists from pre-2015 versions…
Important: are you holding the Alt key as you open the Finder’s menu list - this way the Libraries are added to the list…
They are hidden since you rarely want to be messing with them…
Alternatively open the Finder’s ‘GoTo’ dialog and paste the full path to the folder into it and it should open it even if you can’t normally see it.