Does anybody know how to merge a .dwg file into sketchup. I did exported it and tried to intersect faces but this doesn’t always works well. Am I wright or is there something els that I don’t know or doing wrong.
Thank you for your time in advance and a very merry Christmas from the Netherlands.
Maybe you could show us what you are working with.
DWG files imported into SketchUp come in as components. It might be that you just need to explode the component but that could have other implications that you may need to avoid and some other approach might be needed.
I did exploded it. And this is the result. It merged a little bit. Have to draw every line over to get it wright.
That’s not unusual with imported CAD files. Very often the linework isn’t very good in the DWG/DXF file. It’s common to find gaps in edges or overruns that prevent faces from forming. It’s also not uncommon to find that lines aren’t all in the same plane. The experts who do a lot of this sort of thing only use the imported DWG or DXF as a reference and draw their own line work based on it instead of trying to use the imported CAD file as the linework.
Thank you Dave,
Although it is a lot more work I am OK with it, knowing that there is no other way. Greetings.
From what I’ve seen with the majority of imported CAD files, drawing my own lines in SketchUp is generally much less work than finding and repairing the CAD file geometry problems.
Happy holidays.
There are different “Find faces” extensions available. You could install and try them to see if they are more trouble than they are worth. I found this one by @eneroth3 in the Extension Warehouse:
So true!!!
O.K. I never look there. Will do. Thanks
After much trial and error experience, I’m with @DaveR on this. I just use the imported line work as a guide to snap to while tracing over it. Put it all on it’s own layer/tag if it isn’t already so you can use it and then turn in off. The SketchUp model needs to be organized into logical “things” (groups and components); the walls are a thing, the floor is a thing, each piece of furniture is a thing. Just generating faces between every loop of lines in the file doesn’t take you there at all. The one exception for me on using imported line work is curvy parts that are too tedious to trace over.
Tanks RTCool.
Thank you for your answer. Was hoping for some magic but it always feels better when drawing it yourself… so it’s ok.
Agree with others here… use as reference and draw over the top… a simple technique I use is create a rectangle, group it, then just copy, rotate and scale it to define the spaces or walls …you can simply stretch them to snap to other edges… when done… select them all, explode, group again and delete edges not needed… all in 2d… then pull up into a volume… eg wall… this helps keep everything 90 degrees too