As nearly I can tell the convention for doors and windows in basement plans is the same as in regular framing, so here is my proposed solution for openings in foundation walls:
Note that the header height is measured from the top of the door or window opening with the RO taken into account.
So for example a standard 3068 door would have an actual opening width of 38" and an actual opening height of 82.5" (blockout dimemsions), assuming the rough opening dimensions given. Assuming that a 4" slab is poured on the top of the footing then the header height would need to be 84". The height of the top of the door opening measured from the top of the footing would be 80" + 4" + 2.5" = 86.5"
Correct me if any of this goes counter to common practice.
However, another way of dealing with the door may be to actually blockout the foundation all the way to the footing so that the 4" slab extends through the doorway (I’ve seen it done both ways). In this scenario you still want the door height (80") to remain the same so that the callout is still given as 3068, however to maintain the vertical position of the door within the foundation wall the vertical RO would need to change to 6.5" and the header height would need to be 80".
I would advise at least considering the “Brickmould” size for these openings.
In the case of a Thermatru 3-0 pre hung unit that would be 40 1/8" by 79 9/16"
Given the quality of workmanship I’ve seen in some these poured walls, I’d probably shoot for a half inch or so over this dimension.
This is of course for insetting the unit in the wall.
Just a thought.
So many windows so little time. I guess maybe 2" all around over unit dimension, in a case where the window has a flange all the way around.
I think the designer has to be responsible for sorting out how the unit is set and trimmed.
There may be a terminology issue here too. To me at least, a rough opening is an inch or so more than unit dimension. The opening in a foundation would be more of a finished opening.
So, for example if you have a 36" unit requiring a 37" R.O. and you have a 2x6 p.t. frame lining the foundation opening. That opening would be 40".
I hope that makes sense.?. So you are saying the 1.5" is the offset?
The way I am setting this up the designer will be able to customize their offsets as required so regardless of the default value one can always make adjustments.
However, I’m just trying to converge upon a reasonable/typical value for these offsets. A door type opening will utilize a horizontal and vertical offset which may differ, however the window type opening will only use one offset (for vertical and horizontal).
Similar to the blockout tools this new feature only works with polyline stemwalls as noted in changelog.
If you have a lot of rebar in your foundation walls and a lot of openings in those walls then the plugin will have a lot of boolean subtraction to do in order to trim out the rebar as shown, this will cause a performance hit but should not be unreasonable on an adequately equipped PC or Mac. For older machines one way around this is to only toggle rebar on as a final step after all of your other edits to the foundation wall are complete.
I initially created the (polyline) stemwall foundation then cut out the garage door with the blockout tool. Then I drew in the slab (polygon) option. At that point I decided I wanted a man door 4" off the right front corner, so I used the blockout tool again to create this opening.
Then I realized that slab needed to also flow into this opening so I used the “Edit Slab Outline” feature to modify the outline of the slab and, Voila! Done.
No manual edits and no having to delete and then recreate assemblies, I like this.
Added the “Move Stemwall Segment” icon to the stemwall toolbar.
Added the “Move Stemwall Segment” function to the context menu for polyline stemwall assemblies.
Enabled the “Move Stemwall Segment” tool for polyline stemwalls.
I think the best way to explain this new feature is to provide a demonstration. I will be releasing another tutorial shortly showing how this new tool is used. I think you will find it very convenient.
Note that openings and blockouts are going to need some further adjustment to their algorithms in order to play nicely with this new feature. I’m already working on the solution.
There is one final issue or missing feature with the polyline stemwall tool and that is brick ledges. I have been working on the complex roof module this evening but I really feel like I need to address the brick ledge issue before I leave the foundation plugin development for a spell.
Originally my thinking was that a brick ledge option for stemwalls needed to be on a per edge basis. However, even if this were the case the stemwall thickness and footing size would still remain the same for all of the assembly, even for those segments that do not have brick ledges.
Typically I would assume that a stemwall foundation should have a thicker stemwall and footing for those walls that are supporting brick veneer. If this is the case then it actually makes more sense to have a global option for the assembly rather than a per edge basis.
Please correct me if I am wrong here.
I guess I need a bit of guidance, perhaps some more more examples of stemwall foundation plans with brick ledges (and some walls without) would be extremely helpful.
Here is a simple example of a stemwall foundation where the front of the house would have brick veneer and the rear and sides would be siding or stucco:
Notice how the dimensions for the sections of the walls that support the brick are thickened accordingly and the model splits the foundation into two separate stemwall assemblies to achieve this.
View model here:
In a situation like this one would not need brick ledges on a per edge basis since those stemwalls sections with brick would require a different (thicker/larger) profile to deal with the extra dead load of the veneer.
If there is a valid argument for a brick ledge tool that works on a per edge basis I will entertain it, but I need to see a situation where there would be call for this.
Note that the top rebar is offset from the bottom rebar so that it stays centered within the decreased width of the upper stemwall. Anchor bolt placement and FPSF insulation is also adjusted accordingly as shown.
The example shown is a 10" stemwall with a 4" brick ledge.
As previously discussed the brick ledge option is an assembly wide option and not on a per edge basis, hopefully this is flexible enough for most designers.
I think we are just about ready to fully retire the old stemwall tool. The only thing I am missing with the new polyline tool is joist pockets, I guess there is always one more thing.
Joist pockets would be a feature that would be on a per edge basis. Like brick ledges for slab-on-grades there would be no “move” function, only draw, edit and delete tools. So essentially I need one more toolbar for joist pockets, with three icons… I know everyone is about ready to hit me right now, with all of these toolbars I keep adding, I’m sorry.
In my defense though I should point out that the user can easily disable/turn off any of the toolbars that they do not commonly use, so that they do not overly clutter their SketchUp workspace.
Joist pockets are not a high priority in my opinion. I have a few western US builders who use them on a regular basis but I don’t think they are as popular anymore. I’m going to put this option on the back burner for a while, however as they say the squeaky wheel gets the grease so I’m always open to suggestion if you feel otherwise.
However, as I’m looking around at various examples of brick ledges combined with steps it appears that sometimes the brick ledge laps as shown in this image: