Hi there, my problem is I create these beaut cabinets, they resize beautifully by options menu or using the resize tool. I save it to my computer and all good. The next day I return to the file and it doesn’t work. Sometimes the attributes are different to what I originally I input. It’s almost like the attributes from another file “leak” over. Or like today for example, when I opened the file, there was no cabinet component, only individual components.
Does this sound like my computer hasn’t enough computing power? Is is a very old system. An Acer AspireE1-522 laptop at least 7 years old, maybe older. Or maybe my skills are not up to scratch?
Any thoughts?
Did you name the cabinet component the same as the filename?
When you create components, they act as ‘little’ SketchUp model inside the main model and can be ‘saved as’ .skp files.
Options do appear in the main model, but if you edit a component, the options of the nested components show up.
If you opened the ‘saved as’ component file, it is like editing in the main model, you only see the ‘nested’ components.
Best to have a strategy when creating components:
Preceed the name of the working file with ‘WF_’, for instance,
Create the component(s) inside the Working File and save the components by rightclickjng on them and choose ‘Save As’, or save as collection through the component panel’s blue detail button.
Check his thread, also:
Edit: that artikel has a focus on placing models on the 3D Warehouse, but you can benefit from those rules and strategy’s and apply them to set up your own collection of components for use in your models and designs.
Thank you Mark for taking the time to respond. It has been a very frustrating week trying to get my files to save properly.
Yes, the last few tries, I have named the component and the file name the same in an attempt to fix my initial problem of components attributes changing the next time I open them. So now, I will change the file name to something different than the component name. Correct?
I save the file in 3 places, one as the working file, one as the save as component only file and one in a temp folder. Each file has opened up with the same problem. I will point out that I have used the same name in all 3 files AND when that didn’t work have changed the name in each file.
I’m pretty sure I understand the way the files open up in SU. I have opened other dynamic components from online and edited them and worked with them. My own do not seem to be as stable.
I have just read a post I haven’t noticed before saying that you should install Sketchup as an administrator. I have not done this. Should I uninstall and try again as administrator? Can the issues I am having be the result of this? And if so will I have any issues with licensing when I reinstall.
Thanks, your input will be appreciated.
I doubt if reinstalling would make a difference, but it couldn’t hurt to do a ‘repair’ , one of the options that pop up when rightclicking on the installer file. This won’t affect installed extensions and licensing, but could impact the read/write permissions.
You must be logged in with the normal user account on Windows.
More likely, things got messed up by the (same) naming.
The ‘Save as’ option will set the name to the component definition and has some sort of internal ID reference, meaning, if you alter the name and save and later on open that collection in the component panel and load that component, it will display the original name and not the filename.
Here’s where it get’s confusing, I guess.
Hard to say in what state of the process things got bad, better to open a new file and insert the component, repair it (explode the component’s wrapper, rename the definition in the entity panel etc)
Make a new wrapper if necessary…
Purge the model
Then save that (Rightclick:Save As!)to a new folder somewhere, eg. Documents/SketchUp/Resources/Components/etc.
Save the current new file somewhere as ‘working file’ (eg. WF_name_of_component)
Thanks Mike. I will try that but honestly i don’t hold much hope as I have started files from new, from exploding, from renaming, all to no avail.
I really like SU and appreciate your help so please don’t give up on me. I’ll take a couple of days to give this a try.
If that happens, try Importing the file (File/Import), not Opening it (File Open).
When you open a DC saved as a component, it behaves as if you have it open for editing, in which case it will have no ‘wrapper’ from which to reference the Options or Attributes.
How much free space do you have on your drive? Sketchup needs 500MB.
This name can be viewed in a DC by assigning _name to an attribute
myName = _name
If you install Aerilius “Attribute Inspector” extension you can view this _name attribute and change it to match your current naming or some other. This extension is useful to change or copy the dropdown options as well.
However I recommend you use the Instance names to document your project, these work properly only if you do not use the name attribute or change the attribute header and only after inserting an instance in a new file (not the working file where it was created). Then any change in the instance name is reflected in all parts of the project.
For example if I create a simple panel, with only size attributes and saveas a panel. Then insert it into a file, place and resize it, then name the instance “Bottom”, you will note that the option and attribute dialog take “Bottom” as their names. Insert another panel, place and size, name “Left”…and so build a carcass. If you happen to copy the left to make it “Right” can do, but make the component unique, otherwise their attributes will be connected.
Once you have built a carcass, establish the formula of the parts, name “carcass” and saveas as a component, then delete it and purge the file and insert the saved carcass and call the instance say “Base”, another as “Base Drawer”…
So in outliner it shows as Base <Carcass>
You may consider materials and quantity reports at this point. If you (or others) wish to pursue this method then reply and will place a tutorial post
Thanks pcmoor. I will follow your instructions and give it a go. A tutorial post would also be awesome if you’re up for it.
Thanks RLGL. It appears I have plenty of space.
Thanks John
Can do,
what units are you using? Board types, sizes for carcass? Maybe post a typical carcass without any need for DC
A more useful approach and to take it ‘universal’ could be if you set up a system that takes in account for ‘voids’ or ‘dummies’
Eg. Windows and doors are actually just holes in a wall, beams can be HEA profiles or made out of (glued) wood, openings for HVAC etc. Have the proper IFC type classification assigned already.
While still designing, you can easily drag a window type inside the dummy and it will inherit the right size by refering to PARENT!LenX, PARENT!LenY, etc.
Swap those with another definition if you decide to have double hung instead of single.
I agree with a swapping method, as it is important to keep each DC simple.
Voids, holes can be DC cutters, provided they are retain within the object, but they are too complex on edges, so composite solutions may help, but most likely ruby scripts will come to the rescue.
I certainty appreciate any help with IFC classification, we seem to very backward as compared to the EU.
Look forward to any concept or idea to be explored, so I guess I should get this tutorial up and running
Hi Philip,
I must say you are awesome for doing this. Thanks so much. The tutorials have been very helpful.
I have attached an original cabinet I created that the dynamic component attributes “fell off”. The cabinet however is correct. The “#1” was added to the component name by the computer. I guess I had multiple components with the same name. But now I know I can’t do that.
My Cabinet is in mm. Board types are 16mm mdf with user options to change carcase and door thickness. I have user options to change cabinet height, width and depth and resize tool on the width only. I include a kicker on my cabinets as I find it useful for positioning in the kitchen. I also include a door but I haven’t really thought that far ahead yet. I wanted to keep the file size small but I wanted a kinda place holder for the door.
I have started work on my own following your previous instructions. I will be interested to see if I got it right.
Thanks again.
Cab01.skp (111 KB)
You followed the classical approach, this method is quite different
No sound yet
But should be able to get the idea
You DC has a few faults, mainly the kicker, I would redo this part.
Hi PCmoor,
Thank you for the tutorial. I followed it through and was able to create ano file like yours. The use of instances is an elegant solution for multiple objects and my initial problem of attributes leaking was due to my incorrect use of file naming and definitions. If you do add sound to the tutorial I would be interested as it would likely explain a few questions I encountered on the way.
Thanks for all your help everyone.
Hi @pcmoor,
Would you please upload [Working Cabinets File.skp] as skp 2019 verzion?
I would like to checke it out and cannot do it as 2020 verzion.
thank you