Match photo?

I am doing a school assignment, they gave me an interior photo to match to some furniture. I thought I did it right but in our demo video the guy then proceeds to add surfaces to it, and that’s where mine goes wrong. I have no idea what to do to fix this. I don’t know if these pictures are going through, but he’s adding rectangles on the walls ceilings and floors as surfaces to later add other things on. When I copy the video and do this to mine it goes halfway through the furniture which makes me think I’m matching the photo wrong. The last photo on here is the instructors.

Can you share the .skp file with us so we can see exactly how you’ve set things up?

Is this right?

10.1 Photomontage .skp (13.2 MB)

That worked. You were pretty close on matching the axes to the photo but you’ve got the thing sized so the ceiling is about 6’ 2". That’s kind of low. I expect it’s probably an 8 foot ceiling.

You also have the bulk of your model located so it’s behind the walls. I copied the furniture and critters out of your model and deleted the walls you had drawn. I made sure of the Match Photo setup and then resized the photo to make the height of the wall 8 feet. You can do that sizing while editing the Match Photo properties by dragging up or down on the blue axis but I prefer to set in the guidelines as shown in the image above. Then I measure between the top and bottom with the Tape Measure making sure to click at both points and type in the desired distance. Once the image is the right size, then add in your furniture and other entourage.

I also projected the Match Photo image onto the walls so they’ll show up from other angles.

10.1 Photomontage fixed .skp (13.7 MB)

Hopefully that makes sense.

I’m getting the hang of it all. Thank you very much!

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