Managing Tray Disappearance

Recently upgraded to SU 16Pro and having a bit of a problem with the Trays.
I am able to take it out of the SU window and put it on a separate monitor so that
I can have a big screen for my model. The trouble comes when I take my laptop
and just have one screen, I cannot get the tray back, even when I Hide the tray and then Show the tray.
Just seems to be gone forever even when I go back to Multiscreen.
I have to make a new tray each time.
What am I doing wrong?
I am running windows 10.
Any suggestions? Appreciate any help…

Have you tried Reset Workspace under Window>Preferences>Workspace?


There was just another thread about this. I think the advice was to disconnect the external monitor before shutting down the laptop. ?

Here is the thread:

Thank you DaveR.
I just tried that. From the SU menu I go Windows>Preferences
and then it goes no further, I cannot get to workspace, at all! The top
where it has the name of the file.skp - SketchUp Pro 2016 grays out at this
point and if I click anywhere, it gives me the little error chime. I can
esc out of this situation…
any thoughts?

Can you plug the second display in again?

The error chime is telling you the preferences window is active and off screen.
You can get it back by
Hit alt and space together, then m, then tap any arrow key(just to be sure), and click and drag the mouse around until the preferences window appears.
Then reset the workspace.
And in future use the Graphic options settings to disconnect the External Monitor before physically disconnecting from it.

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Yes, I’ve done that and the trays do not come back.
I can make a new tray though, so that is my work around.
I’ve deleted the old trays, cannot delete the default even if I change its
Oh well…
Thanks for your help.

That worked! Thank you!
Will do so in the future.
Many thanks!

That suggestion is a lifesaver! Just had the same problem. Was happily surprised that resetting the workspace moves the offscreen trays back to my current (single setup) monitor while keeping the layout of the rest of the UI (toolbars etc). Great!