SU2024 All my trays are gone!

Since I updated to SU2024, this happen to me 3 times. I open SketchUp and all my trays are gone. Then I need to recreate and reposition them! This is NOT cool! Anyone had this problem?

I’m working in SU for the last 10 years with all trays opened in a second monitor. Never really had issues, but since I’m on SU2024, there’s weird thing happening. They move, disappear, not save and reset!

Trays or toolbars ?


This is a screenshot of my second monitor.

Did you install SketchUp 2024 correctly? That requires right clicking on the downloaded installer and selecting Run as administrator.

yes I did.

Coming back from vacation… Open my SketchUp. Again, my trays are gone!!! Please don’t tell me I’ll have to redo them every month!!!

:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

It would be nice if in the window we could save the workspace. When the problem occurs, I would only have to reload them.

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Any resolution for this on your end?

What operating system? n/a is not an appropriate answer. What graphics card? These things matter.

If you have a Windows operating system, did you install SketchUp correctly? That requires right clicking on the downloaded installer and choosing Run as administrator.

After you tell us what operating system, we can give you more guidance in sorting this out.

I need to ask IT. I”ll send once I know. Thanks.