Making rounding on edges

Hello specialists, I am trying to increase my drawing skills and practicing with a design, where I want to round all the edges.

I created the curves with the extension of Fredo6 RoundCorner. I thought I could use this also for the roundings, but I did not succeed.

Do I possibly need another extension to create the curves, or should this still be possible with RoundCorner? Would love your advice.

725_2.skp (525.2 KB)

It looks like you have things rounded pretty well. Where do you want to add further rounding? Looks like you just need to soften the edges. You could set up Round Corner to do that for you but at this stage just select all of the geometry, right click on it, and choose Soften/Smooth.

I softened the edges and added in the missing details for you to reference.
Screenshot - 3_7_2023 , 2_37_16 PM

725_2.skp (482.2 KB)

Sorry. I only just now caught the detail on the far right of the image about radiusing the edges like this.

I ran Eneroth Auto Weld on your model (it’s uploaded after the welding. Then I was able to select the edges and run Round Corner on them.


Dave, I must say that was a terrific answer. I found out I need Enroth Auto Weld. Thanks.

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Hi Dave. Thank you very much for your information and nice that you also finished the model. I wanted to be able to make the roundings first and only then the still missing detail :slight_smile:

I’m going to install Eneroth Auto Weld and let you know if I can make the model the way you made it now.

Whow… What a stunning result. Eneroth Auto Weld does exactly do what’s needed for RoundCorner to do its job properly. Great!

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It’s always nice to share the end result too. I used this design to continue practicing with the method described by Dave. This is the result: