I was working on a model in SketchUp Free for Web and did something and my model got cut in half. I thought I was having a browser problem, like it couldn’t display it correctly. I hit save and closed the project.
When I went back to the model it was still sliced in half, DOH! Can’t “undo” as I had hit save (I really thought it was just a display glitch…)
Don’t know if there’s anyway to go to a previous version using the web version, but need to ask as I threw away a lot of work accidentally.
Thanks Dave, that’s what I figured. As I played with the model more it seems like it has a section view, thankfully i can see the model as I rotate the view. I have toggled the section view and section plane on and off, but doesn’t seem to make a difference. Weird, but I am relieved I didn’t lose it all. haha.
Not sure how to affect “clipping” but I think I’m back in business, thanks for your assistance! Not sure how to share the file through this interface. Is there an easy way?
OK. I’m not seeing any clipping but then maybe you’ve sorted it by resetting the camera position.
Don’t know if you’re interested but you could improve the efficiency of your modeling.
FWIW, I reworked your model to make it more efficient and correct some problem areas. I think as you look through it, you’ll see how it’s different. Loft Bed 3.skp (224.1 KB)
You’ll notice the file size is reduced by a little better that 75%.