Lumber List

I’ve designed a pergola in SketchUp and would like to figure out what the total material list is. For example, how many 6x6 and 2x4 pieces do I have, and their lengths; how many fasteners are there; how many bolts, etc. I want to use this information to build a material list and price out my project.

I am using SketchUp Pro 2018. I am an amateur, playing around with this for personal use.

I use the Cutlist extension for stuff like that. Easy to set up and instantaneous output. It’s in the Extension Warehouse.

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With the LenX, LenY and LenZ you can extract a lumber list, with only native generate report. Yes, it is possible! Once you learn it you can generate multiple lists for everthing!

The challenge is that you need to set the component axes so that all components use the same axis for the Length and the same for the Thickness so that the resulting list makes sense. The CutList extension doesn’t have that requirement. It always takes the longest dimension as the length and the shortest as the thickness independent of the axis orientation. Generally, at least in for my use, axis orientation is is more important for other things so I don’t want to have to set up the model different just to be able to use Report Generator.


Well, I found my first problem using the Cutlist extension. It looks like when I designed it, I used mostly groups instead of components. I have nine (9) different boards, two (2) types of fasteners, and one (1) type of bolt. When I run the cut list report, it shows a mess of group objects and a whole bunch of tiny parts that I don’t know where they came from. The fasteners I uploaded from the warehouse don’t all appear to be groups either, since some items show there being a quantity in the hundreds. I feel like I might be destined to completely rebuild this thing again. Suggestions? 35%20PM

This is an image if the model I’ve created.

You can get the bolts and other parts like that to sort into the Parts section by adding words from their names into the Part Words section. As for all the groups for the boards, best option is to rework the model. Make components of specific parts and replace the others with instances of the components. This is an example of a reason why I only use components.

It’s a pretty basic model so it should be easy enough to fix. If you feel it’s over your head, send me a private message with your SKP file and I’ll fix it for you. Just going to eat dinner but after I finish, I could even show you live how to fix it.

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Wow, that’d be fantastic! I’d appreciate a bit of a tutorial when you are free.

Sorry to digress to design matters but, to preserve the logic of the structure, this is how I would design the join between the higher and lower part…
(sorry about my crappy photoshopping)


I based my design on one I saw on Fixer Upper. While extending those two beams would add some strength, I don’t think it’s necessary. Keeping it short, in my opinion, makes the small space fee like an extension of the larger space, rather than two divided spaces. The upside up side of your design is it would reduce the downward pulling force on the top of the hanging post.

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Can you apply this extension to the 2019 web-based versions? I’m new to sketchup so unfortunately I’m stuck using web-based for the either the free or pro versions.

Extensions only run on the Pro versions of SketchUp (Classic or subscription)

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The CutList extension does run just fine in SketchUp Pro 2019. As GSTUDIOS indicated, the web based versions of SketchUp are not currently set up to work with extensions.

GSTUDIOS, thank you…that’s what I was afraid of.

Assuming you are using SketchUp for hobbyist use, you can still use SketchUp Make 2017 which can be used with extensions.

I was thinking exactly the same thing, but decided not to say anything.

Hi @ZaKeeper,

OpenCutList could give you this infos too : Extension | SketchUp Extension Warehouse

And in you case, it supports dimensional lumbers.

But of course, all your parts need to be components :slight_smile:

Hi guys
Can someone help me i am using builder to construct a mock up of a shed i want to build i have then gone into opencutlist but it wont generate a list as builder puts everything in groups. I have googled it and found it says go into edit and ungroup so i can put them in component however there is no ungroup.
I used the explode way but it wont let me make it a component


select the group, right click menu, select make component

another way is have the cutlist report groups

Did you build this? In the existing image, that hanging roof support beam is bolted completely through both the beams and the post to the top pergola and the lower one with 4 bolts. The metal plates with two 90deg forming an S are decorative and while they do appear to support the beams holding up the pergola I would bet that those fasteners are either lag screws or bolted completely through both the beam and the post.

In your sketch you have all of the weight of the lower roof corner hanging on a decorative steel plate. Im sure the plates are made of steel, but this will fail with time.