Hi Sketchup Community,
One of my students created a Pyramid like object. She cant find it. Is there a way to get it back in view? I have tried zooming, orbiting.
Mar for Mr Bowman! (2).skp (79.7 KB)
Hi Sketchup Community,
One of my students created a Pyramid like object. She cant find it. Is there a way to get it back in view? I have tried zooming, orbiting.
Mar for Mr Bowman! (2).skp (79.7 KB)
Did you or she try Zoom Extents?
I did that and orbited a biit. Ot showed up fine.
Mar for Mr Bowman! (2).skp (139.4 KB)
Is she hoping for this to be a 3D printable object?
There is something wrong with the file. Possibly the camera data is corrupt. Not sure why it showed ok on Windows. For me, on Mac, I had to select all, copy, new, paste in place.
Thanks for the tip, Dave! No, it is not ready yet. I will continue to support her so that the pyramid has faces that work for printing:)
It’s interesting, sometimes I see students zoom a bit and then it seems to throw the view far away and it becomes difficult to find.
Ah … You’re quite welcome.
Some times users manage to get something placed at a great distance from the model. It could be a single edge segment and that can screw up the camera. Or they manage to zoom in too close. Zoom Extents can help. It also might be useful to select one of the standard views like Top first so you know which way the camera is supposed to be pointed.
Have a great holiday.