Lost file progress

Hi, I contacted sketchup support however I have been directed here. My file has lost a month worth of progress somehow, as when I open it, it shows the original model from when I first started it. I can browse the version history and it shows all the timestamps from when I’ve opened it and worked on it, yet when I open a timestamp to recover it from that point, it shows the same original model without my numerous modifications. Please tell me if this is a server error and my latest file is still accessible somewhere as I am on tight time constraints to finish this model, and the file still showing timestamps goes to show that I have been working on it but them all showing the same base model makes no sense. Thank you.

Are you really using SketchUp for schools?
That version is for primary school kids only…
It’s hard to say what could be the reason for this problem.
You can check here if there has been a server outage at the time you tried:

I am because that’s what I am enrolled in, web version syncs with OneDrive and is lightweight so useful - do you have anything that could help me out?

Not really…
Normally we ask for the model so we can see where the problem is / comes from. Or try to open it somehow when it is corrupted and the owner is unable to open it.
But your file opens for you, and you can work on it. The only thing wrong is that you lost a lot of changes somehow, but I wouldn’t know what to look for exept that all those changes might be hidden somehow.
I could take a look if you share the file…

form development (DEVELOPED 1).skp (15.6 MB)

Thank you for offering, I hope you find something.

Unfortunately I couldn’t find any hidden stuff which you might have lost.
I took a close look at your model and noticed some things:

  • Your model is huge and not to real world scale. the trees were almost 200 meters tall…
  • Most of your model is loose geometry. You need to get into the habit of creating groups and components to prevent everything from sticking together.
  • your model has lenth snapping on. that can lead to small errors and is best turned off.

I scaled your model to something more reasonable. The trees are now roughly 15 meters tall.
I also turned off length snapping.
Here is the scaled down version:
form development (DEVELOPED 1)scaled.skp (1,9 MB)

I suggest you go to learn.sketchup.com and take some fundamental course to learn some of the basics of SketchUp.
There’s also lots of good videos on the official SketchUp YouTube channel. Look out for the Square One series.

Sorry I couldn’t find your lost progress…

Thank you for trying anyway, and for the helpful tips and rescale - much appreciated.

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I do think this is a SketchUp problem and I believe they shouldn’t have directed you to the forum.
Nobody here can acces the SketchUp servers (we are just SketchUp users like you)…
There must have something gone wrong on the SketchUp side unless you deleted all the extra work by accident.
Maybe @colin or @CaseyG could have a look… I pinged them for you…

Thank you!

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How does that work?
What are the steps taken to save a file?

So when you hit save, it will save it to your OneDrive integrated into the program (and access it from elsewhere as it is works like normal OneDrive) so you can directly access it.

It may be that you deleted your “missing work” from the model space. There are quite a few unused components and materials in the model. These would become unused only if they had been in the model space and then erased.

Note that if you had erased a bunch of stuff when you thought you were hiding it, any loose geometry and groups would be gone for good. At least with the unused components you can drag them back in from the Components pane.

There’s some incorrect tag usage however it looks like that was inherited from components you downloaded from the 3D Warehouse.

That’s a shame because I don’t remember mass hiding stuff as before it was erased, I was grouping parts of the structure together to alter their heights to take it into Lumion to build terrain/scenery around it. I also don’t purge components when I save just to make sure if there’s stuff I want to keep.

Well, as John indicated, there’s nothing in the model space except for what can be seen–the giant trees and terrain, an edge that’s more than a kilometer long, and some odd shapes that don’t appear to be related to the terrain and trees.

Thank you all for trying but I think somethings just gone wrong and deleted all my progress seeing as the backup timestamps are still there from every time I opened it but it’s the same model on each. I will just have to do it again

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