Lost my project somewhere in the 3D environment

Hi all, sketchup for web user here.
I can’t center my project anymore. The cam is somewhere in space and even if I see my project from very far away, I can not zoom back. Select is also not possible… need your help here.

You need to download and attach your model to a reply here so one of us can check it.

AP.skp (4.4 MB)
here is the model attached, thanks in advance for your help

Here you go, you had 2 components at a long distance from the rest of the model and a stray guideline.
APBox.skp (4.4 MB)

hey, thank you so much … that was a lot of work saved!
still don’t know how it worked out as I tried select all and zoom many times.
Cheers :slight_smile:

The huge section planes are the giveaway that there is something near the edge. See how a left to right selection selects the component but not the section planes.
But then I used ctrl+a to select all and shift with a left to right selection around what should be the model, therefore giving me the 5 things that need deleting. Delete.
Then zoom extents shows the stray guide, delete, Zoom extents again and you have your model back.
GIF 25-01-2025 9-45-04 PM
This is all posible with the web version, the tools just look a bit different.

By the way, the component off in the distance is a toilet. Specifically this one.


:slight_smile: seems the toilet fly away in space while I’ve been trying to return to closer view.
I got it now, thanks, was a good lesson!

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