Lost all my projects

I am new to Sketchup. Just learning how to use is. I had three projects that I was working on. I saved, opened and closed them all multiple times with now problems. Then I logged in one day and all my projects were gone. It looked like brand new account. Is there any hope of finding them somewhere?

Most often when this happens, the person reporting the problem has signed in with a different e-mail address than the one they were using when they created the model. Make sure you are using the same one.

In December you started to use SketchUp, but had signed in with Apple, and the ‘hide my email’ option turned on. That is the one that is likely to have your three projects. Then later you signed in without using Sign in with Apple, and you used your real email address.

If I’m right about that, you should see your earlier projects if you use the Sign in with Apple way to get to this page:

SketchUp Free

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Thanks I found them. Is there a way to move them to my account with my email address

Sign in with the method you used to create them. Download them to your computer. Then sign in with your e-mail and upload them. Keep the copies on your local drive as a backup.

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