Looking for someone to make a SketchUp model

I am looking to hire someone to make a 3D model of a solar installation at a factory. This would include importing the Google Earth photo to show the factory in question with an overlay of the potential solar array layout. This layout could include solar over the parking area and over drainage areas. May have to look at 2 or 3 scenarios.

Switched this thread to the correct category. SketchUp doesn’t use Google Earth terrain or photos as it is illegal to use them commercially. The imagery comes from other sources.

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Hi. I can help you with that. I sent you a private message with my contact info.

Sent you a PM. Please reply via txt msg or e-mail.

Meanwhile, SketchUp is great for this sort of thing because it supports exporting .KMZ files that can be viewed directly in Google Earth. That means when a geolocated SketchUp model of your proposed solar installation is viewed in Google Earth … it will show up where the model is located … over the parking … over the retention/drainage areas … etc. This is very handy when evaluating (or presenting) various design scenarios.