Lock components

Hi I’m Geoff Parry Lismore NSW Australia, I’m new to this forum, but would like to ask members if they can tell how to lock a component so that it cannot be deleted or altered inadvertently.


Right click on the component you wish to lock and choose “lock” from the popup menu. The component bounding box will turn red if selected indicating it is locked. Right click and choose unlock to reverse.

Have a proper flat white for me. Cheers.

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Best practice is to keep the Entity Info dialog open as you’re modeling.

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Many thanks, I’ll try that.

Geoff, you mean like the way Groups can be locked? The problem with the method Geo suggests is that other like components will NOT be locked. So you could try this: Edit the component, group the contents and lock that group. Close the component. Problem here is that when you select the component, its bounding box won’t be red. (sigh)

That seems like an unnecessary step that gives you the same “false” feeling of security.
Locked instances of groups and components inside an unlocked group (or component) will be deleted when deleting this unlocked group (component).

However, SketchUp warns the user trying to alter an unlocked component if there’s a locked instance of the same component somewhere in the model, either nested or not.

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Good to know. Thanks.

But I do understand Geoff’s concern. One of the great functions of locking a group (or an individual component) is so that you don’t accidentally delete it. Perhaps a feature request might be to have the option of locking all instances of Lisanne, so she doesn’t go bye-bye when one is clearing away those extraneous hidden lines that pop up and prevent pushing or pulling a wall past ~0". :wink:

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