I recently installed LightUp (v6.15a?) extension in SU Pro2024 from the Extension Warehouse. Immediately upon confirming installation of the extension, SketchUp CRASHED.
ReOpening SU, a window appeared allowing me to open with or without loading extensions. Every time I tried opening WITH extensions, SU would immediately crash again. Every time I opened SU WITHOUT loading extensions, it would work normally however there were no extensions in my Extension Manager to manage so I could not uninstall the LightUp extension. I tried troubleshooting based on a few old forum archives that said I could remove the extension from the SU plugin file folders but apparently that method no longer applies to SU 2024.
Finally after far too much frustration, I opened SU without loading extensions then I opened the Extension Warehouse and installed the LightUp extension again and SU did not crash so I immediately uninstalled the LightUp extension, quit SU, reopened WITH extensions and it opened fine, all my extensions were in the Extension Manager except LightUp and everything worked normally again.
As a test, I tried installing LightUp again and, just as before, SU crashed upon confirmation of installation.
So, something is definitely wrong with the LIghtUp extension. Based on the fact it would install and not crash SU only when other extensions were NOT loaded makes me believe there may be a conflict with another extension. I contacted the developer of LightUp but have not received back any response.
For reference, the other extensions I have are as follows;
Add Location
Dynamic Components
Sandbox Tools
SketchUp Diffusion
Solid Inspector
Solid Inspector2
If anyone has insight on this issue or has experienced the same issue, please let me know. Thanks.
Those seem pretty benign. I would disable Architextures and see if LightUp loads.
If it still doesn’t go to your extensions folder and rename the .RB to something like .RBXYZ on half of the list. Then reboot. If it loads you know one in the renamed half was the culprit. You can repeat this as necessary.
v6.15 and v6.15a are the only two versions available in the SU Extension Warehouse. The v6.15a is the “free” version while the v6.15 has a link to the developer’s site where I see v7.1 is available for trial or purchase. I just wanted to try it out thought the warehouse feeling that would be the most secure and stable version.
I just wanted to update you that I tried the file renaming method you suggested before trying LightUp v6.15a again and again it crashed SU. So I concluded that v6.15 is no bueno. I did give v7.1 a try and it does work without problems (other than being more complicated than anticipated, TG for trials.)
There was another odd occurrence while trying your method, some of the SU supplied .RB files simply re-created themselves. Not a problem, since I gave up on LUv6.15 anyway. Just letting you know. Thanks for your help and suggestions.
For your interest, the LightUp developer does see why there is a problem, and he is going to update the demo version to be v7.1 as well. That should happen within the next few days.
This is per design. When SketchUp starts it checks for the Trimble distributed extensions and will deploy them (copy) from the bundle to your user application support “Plugins” folder. (This normally happens once the first time SketchUp is run.)
However, often the version of these distribution extensions lag behind the Extension Warehouse version. You may need to update them again via the Extension Manager interface.