License Renewal Question

Please remind me. I have a classic license and running SketchUp Pro 2022. I received an email saying that my license is going to expire soon. I do not want to purchase a subscription. I want to continue using my current version. Will I lose access to that version when my license expires? Is this email trying to get me to buy a subscription? I seem to recall that I could continue to use my current version but would no longer receive updates or technical support, True? Would really appreciate any help that could be provided.

AFAIK Version 2022 was already subscription only and the last classic licenses were for v. 2021.
Classic licenses (the ones with serial number and authorization code) do not expire, except if they are educational. You should contact support for clarification.

It does look like two years ago you took the special offer to get two years of subscription at a heavily discounted price. Those two years are up on May 26th. If you don’t want to renew the subscription, your SketchUp 2021 license is still active. It would be 2022 and 2023 that you could no longer use.

2022 and 2023 files will open ok in 2021, so no need to go around all of your files saving them as an earlier version. Unless you are using LayOut a lot. If you are, open those files and save them as LayOut 2021 files.

Thank you very much. That sure helps.


William C Melvin,
LTC, US Army (ret)


It’s generally not a good idea to add contact details to a post. There are Bots out there that scrape forums looking for email address to add to their mailing list. Let alone telemarketers looking for phone numbers!

I will edit your message.

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Sir, I tried opening a LayOut 2022 file and saving it as a LayOut 2021 file. When I tried to open it in 2021 it would not open. The message said that it was a 2022 file. Any guidance you can provide would be much appreciated. Thank you.

Hmm, yes. There was a change in macOS that stops LayOut from being able to save to earlier versions. I think the only solutions are to ask someone with 2023 to save the file for you (we worked around the macOS change in 2023), or do the saving on a Mac that has Monterey instead of Ventura.

I can’t tell what kind of license you have, but if it’s a subscription you could download the 2023 disk image from here:

If you have a reason to keep 2022 around you can do that. The 2023 folder can sit in Applications alongside the 2022 folder.