License Activation for SketchUp Pro 2015

Hi, I have a perpetual license for SketchUp Pro 2015 and have just upgraded my old laptop. However, it seems from this forum that the SketchUp classic license server is no longer operational which means that I cannot activate my license on my new laptop.

I contacted Technical Support (Case: 10703416) and received the expected reply that this version is out of maintenance and support and they cannot help me.

Reading similar posts on this forum suggests that this can be resolved but requires special action. @colin seems to have been particularly helpful in these cases and I wonder if he could assist in my case?

I am retired and use my old SketchUp 2015 Pro and Layout extensively for my hobbies. Unfortunately, I cannot afford the cost of the new SketchUp Pro annual license and would be very grateful if this could be resolved. Thank you :-).


There is no excuse for maintenance on the management of perpetual licenses which must remain so. This is totally abusive.

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A huge thank you to @colin at SketchUp for his help in resolving this issue. A fantastic example of customer service at its best.

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In french there is an expression about “getting up on the left foot” when people are all negative and stuff, and as time passes, and Alan4 posts, I’m starting to wonder if they have a right foot at all.

and now is a time to start a thread in the Gallery section and show us that ! :smiley:
what sort of hobbies are we talking about ? trains ? models ? rpg ? :smiley: