SketchUp 2017 can't activate license

SketchUp 2017 can’t activate license


It says that you are using your license in too many computers, you can use only on two computers but not at the same time with a single pro license. Try to remove the licenses you have on other machines.
I’m not sure about the expiration of your license, if you bought a permanent license it should work with the version you acquired it, you should contact support to help you with this.

I am having this issue as well. Nothing happens when you click on Add license and it says Server error when deactivating.

Adding or removing licenses to 2017 or earlier is currently broken. Work is being done to fix that.

Nope, still not working.

Are you having this problem with Sketchup Pro 2022 or with 2017?

Pro 2017 and Pro 2015

Your profile says you are using SketchUp 2022. That creates confusion.

Hi, I do have 2022 licenses as well.

Hi, I’m dealing with the same problem.
After changing the hardware, I want to activate SketchUp Po 2016. But unfortunately none of the buttons can be pressed, or rather nothing happens.
Please help.

As Colin wrote previously in this thread, the system is not working currently.

Great! It works now!

Nope, I’m wrong. It is still not working. I am able to see the classic Serial Number and Authorization Code page but when I click on Add License, nothing happens.

is there any update?
in my case there is a change. Now I don’t even get the licensing page.

Still not working.

Hi colin,
are there any updates? Can you estimate when a solution will be provided?

I have the same problem. Are there any updates?

I have the same problem with Sketchup 2015.
I hvae been using Sketchup 2015 since 2017 and installed in same machine till date
In June 2023 i tried to use Sketchup 2015…and got message “you are using your license in too many computers, and suggested to remove the licence in other machines…” i have not installed in any other machine. I tried to remove licence and nothing happens when we press the buttons… so i uninstalled Sketchup 2015. deleted the licence files in the windows folders and reinstalled it… Now when i try to add license none of the buttons can be pressed, or rather nothing happens.
I contacted support and they say their engineer is working on it.
It looks like the licencing server and sketchup is not working and hence the issue.
When i bought the licence it was a perpetual licence and its our right to use it perpetually as its end of licence i dont expect any maintainnce support… by Sketchup company or Trimble cannot stop me from using the software by deactivatng th licence…this is breaking the contract that they signed when i bought the software…
else they need to give lates version free…

Dear Sketchup-Team,
is very embarrassing that this issue has not been resolved for over four months!
Please take responsibility towards your customers and restore program functionality.

Dear Colin - is there any update please - we are still not able to add our license to our 2016 Pro ???