Help with license activation for sketchup 2015

Please help!

I’ve purchases a new laptop and have just deactivated my 2015 license on the old machine and now I can’t get the software running on either!

I have the old 2015 sketchup installer which I have installed on the new machine.

One oddity is that the license I have starts with a “NA” rather then 2015’s “QA” but that is what my activation email gave me. The license that was on my old laptop was the same number but started with a ‘QA’.

Can someone help me solve this.


‘N’ was version 2013, it might be that you had a maintenance plan that entitled you to use version 2016 as well. That would be your ‘active’ version.
Be aware that each classic version has it’s own serial number and accompanying authorisation code.
You might wanna check your emails, search for ‘sketchup’ and ‘license’.

I found your license and got the license manager to email your latest license to you.

It is for SketchUp 2015, so the one that just arrived in an email should work.

In fact, it looks like you did manage to activate the license today. Still, no harm in having the license in an email for reference.

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Hi Colin,

Thanks for that,

I did manage to activate the license and install 2015 sketchup, unfortunately it won’t run properly on my new laptop. Im assuming it’s a compatibility issue with the graphics card or something similar. I’ve had this same version running on my previous laptop which also ran windows 10 so i’m unsure how to resolve this. After doing some research i have found that sketchup 2015 wasn’t designed for windows 10 but as i had previously run it on the same OS i was hopeful. Is there anyway i can use my license to run sketchup 2016? or purchase an upgrade?

i run a cabinetmaking business so i don’t do any 3d modelling or anything like that and i just love the simplicity of sketchup2015 and would love to keep using it.



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Old versions of SketchUp do seem to work ok in Windows 10. I’ve had SketchUp 1.0.3 running, and certainly SketchUp 8 and later. It’s worth trying to figure out what is wrong.

What goes wrong when you try it?

You should check that your Nvidia driver is up to date and, that in the Nvidia control panel 3D application settings SketchUp is set to use your Nvidia graphics.

When i try zooming in or out the screen goes black. It does the same when i try and draw a line.

I checked, my driver is up to date and that the sketchup app had dedicated Nvidia graphics in the Nvidia control panel.

In Preferences, OpenGL. what options do you see? If one is Use fast feedback, try unchecking that.

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Colin. You are a wizard.

It works perfectly now. Thank you so much for your time and effort.



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Hi Colin, I have recently installed SketchUp Pro 2015 onto my Windows 11 machine and I can’t seem to add my QA license. The “License” tab only shows Trial User and expiry date, and clicking the “Add License” button only shows up a blank screen - there are no fields for me to enter serial number and authorization code. Is it a compatibility issue with WIndows 11 only, or we can no longer use 2015 licenses on any new machine?

Hi. Add license (perpetual, classical, single user, or any other name) screen from Sketchup Pro 2015 don’t work. Already try many email support, reseller, forum pages and hints and nothing work. What present solution for the problem?

(license removed)

Unfortunately, by deciding to stick with SketchUp 2015 you chose to end access to help from Support more than 8 years ago so you shouldn’t expect assistance from that direction. It may be that @colin will have some information about accessing the license server for old unsupported versions.

Ok. Thanks.

There is a defect in our license server that stops it from being able to remove or add older version licenses. You could contact Support to complain, or ask for them to let you know if the problem is ever fixed.

@colin I already send emails for support, but the support redirect me to forum. And, I spend long time read the pages from this forum about the same problem or similar. Ok I contact the support again. Thanks.

Support didn’t help me. He doesn’t even answer my questions. They just say “your support has ended”, and that’s it. I would just like to know if:

  1. The classic license server is still active or not? (not working now, but reports are working on a for some time);
  2. If yes, what is the address? (indisponible for the moment).
    I tried:
  3. Add to .lic files:
    a) “host” (results in connection error);
    b) “host” (results in a warning that the version is incompatible with the server);
  4. Contact “” (after consulting the activation history, my machine is listed as licensed, but here it remains as “evaluation” or they reply that “your support has ended”, that’s all);
  5. This “forum” where I found several tips such as:
    a) Contact the reseller and request a new sketchup.lic file (but they say they can’t do that);
    b) Method of using the “activation_info” file with and without “allow_reactivation” without apparent results;
    c) Turn off firewall and antivirus (nothing);
  6. I did a clean installation with the English version (same error);
  7. I contacted again the support:
    a) TotalCAD reseller ​​(didn’t nothing);
    b) Sketchup “again” (support says guess what? “Search the forum”);
  1. Well. Finally my case was resolved. Thank you very much @Colin for your understanding and dedication in analyzing and resolving my problem. Success for everyone.

To anyone try help me, thanks too.

i did also buy a license for Sketchup 15 and did also reset my laptop as well, same issue as the person above, can you help me as well, please?