I drew this elbow up and exported it to Cura 2.5 to be sliced for 3D printing, when I noticed that I did not need such a thick wall. Right now, it’s 0.100" thick and .050" would be fine. I would be subtracting it from the inside of the pipe. How would I go about doing this without basically scrapping the drawing and doing the follow-me command again?
Hmm… Here is a link to the file in my google drive:
I’ve increased diameter of interior, the problem was suitable for a script that I use to create clothing…
Elbow100.skp (315.9 KB)
And to actually answered your question: You wouldn’t need to scrap the entire drawing, just redraw the interior of the pipe, but you would first need to re-establish the centre-line for the follow-me tool.
I did it with Follow Me. To create a path, I exposed the hidden geometry and copied the softened lines along the top of the pipe (shown selected). I extended the one on the left to the end of the pipe.
I offset the interior edge of the pipe to leave the desired wall thickness.
I also made a component of all of the geometry. Then I made a copy of the component and scaled it up. I went up by a factor of 1000 but 100x would likely work just as well.
I selected the path, activated Follow Me and clicked on the face on the waste side of the offset edge. After Follow Me was completed, I deleted the path, closed the giant copy of the component and deleted it. Zoom Extents returns to the original copy where it had been left but now with the thinner wall.
There was a bunch of clean up to do so that SketchUp would report the componment as solid. I also purged the unused stuff in the file which got it down small enough to be uploaded here.
Elbow100.skp (270.4 KB)
Thanks a ton. I followed your guide and did the same, but at 100x. One thing I cant figure out is how you went from the other side and offset. When I tried, it would follow the outer offset and the flanges would be added to the equation. I assume that was the same case on the side I did, but it didnt matter because there were no ears to worry about.
Anyway, thanks again.
I selected the inside edges of the pipe at that end before getting the Offset tool. I also figured out how much to take off and used that as the Offset distance. Starting at the other end probably is easier since you could offset from the outside by the thickness you want remaining.
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