I’ve been using the skecthup and layout combo for a while but since ive updated it I can’t use it like I used to. I’ve sent my sketch up file to Layout but it doesn’t show any of the drawing, except for in model measurements. The main feature I use layout for is detailing measurements but it’s not letting me two-finger-click (double click) to change scale, drag it around or add measurements.
But from an earlier version of SketchUp? Like SketchUp 2023 or earlier?
I see the cause of your issue. You haven’t created a scene in the SketchUp model for the view you want in LayOut and you’ve positioned the camera in SketchUp over to the right from the model so the center of the camera’s view is looking at nothing.
You need to create scenes in the SketchUp model to use in the viewports in LayOut. Here I’ve zoomed extents so the model is centered in the model window in SketchUp and I created a scene for that view.
Then I relinked the model reference in LayOut and selected that scene for the viewport in the SketchUp Model panel. I also set the scale so the entire thing will fit on the paper size you selected.
As for double clicking into viewports to zoom, pan, and orbit the camera, that is disabled by default in LayOut’s Preferences. You can turn it on but I would advise that you don’t. If you set up the SketchUp model correctly using scenes, there is absolutely no reason to double click into a viewport to make any edits to the camera.
Using Last saved SketchUp view as the scene is unwise as it means the viewport will change when you need to go back into the model to do edits unless you can get the camera in exactly the same position again before saving. If you’ve added dimensions and annotations in LayOut, they can get screwed up when the model reference is updated. Using scenes and avoiding modifying the Camera properties will prevent these issues.
By the way, your model is all loose geometry. You haven’t used groups or components in your model at all. It would be a good idea to get in the habit creating components and groups for discrete objects in the model. That will make your workflow easier. Take some time to go through the tutorials at learn.sketchup.com
Here is the revised file. I would suggest you set up your SketchUp model correctly and then just start a new LayOut file with it. There’s nothing else in your current LayOut file that you will need to rebuild anyway. Layout fixed.layout (92.5 KB)
FWIW, here’s an example of what happens if you double click into a viewport and move the camera instead of using a scene set up for the view in the model.
In this case my model already has a scene I called 3/4 for a perspective view. I set the viewport to Ortho and then double clicked into the viewport to position the camera to show the truss at scale. Then I added dimensions and annotations.
If I had set up a scene in the SketchUp model to show the truss and used that for the viewport in the first place, there’d be no risk of this sort of thing occurring.