I have a issue I never had before and it s about layout.
While exporting he model from sketchup to layout,it loads and after that nothing,crickets, just a plain grey board.It actually look like I just opend layout and that s it. How I can fix this, my exam mark depens on this.
Might my model be to large to be supported by layout?
Please help!
Hello Paul,
No,Layout wont open my sketchup model at all.All it does it opens up and nothing.
Can you upload your Layout file to the forum? If it is too big, upload to a file sharing service like Dropbox, OneDrive, or WeTransfer and provide a link.
In case Layout isn’t importing it properly, upload the SU file as well.
Have you tried opening Layout, creating a new document, and inserting it? I am not a Layout expert, but that is the method I use and it seems to work for me.
I will try to upload the sketchup model.
Can you complete your profile, please. i7 is not a graphics card. And are you using Windows 7, 8 or 10?
Your profile also says you are using SU 2018 - is that right?
You can upload a file to the forum directly by drag and drop into your post, or by using the eighth icon from the left (while you are editing the post) to upload it, so long as the file is less than about 15MB.
Been busy for a couple of hours or more.
Yes, I can download the model from the link.
It’s a very big file for SU and Layout, and with Outliner and Component Browser windows open in SU is very slow to open.
But it does open in SU, eventually.
Will have a further look round the model, and get back to you later this evening (UK time).
SketchUp 2021 had over 2400 things to fix in the model, but after that it did eventually show up in the LayOut page.
Here’s a 2018 format copy of the repaired file:
It may still be demanding, with over 15 million edges, and quite a few textures that are bigger than they need to be.
This is a very interesting model to view, and richly detailed. Here’s just a small part of it.
That extensive level of detail is causing some of the problems you are encountering.
There are over 15 million edges and 4 million faces in your model, including component edge and face counts.
I purged your model to remove any redundant objects, which brought the file size down from about 250MB to 215MB - not a huge reduction, but significant.
There are quite a number of things that you could do to improve the performance of the model, and some problems with the way parts of it are drawn.
Much of your building (as opposed to furniture, decorative items, plants, books, shelving etc.) is loose geometry, and should be made into groups or components.
You have assigned layers (renamed tags from SU2020 onwards) to edges and faces at least in the building geometry.
Your default layer should ALWAY, ALWAYS be left at Layer0 (called Untagged in v2020 onwards - I’m using SU 2021 to look at your model), but you have it currently set at Geamuri (Windows).
Click the radio button beside Layer0 in the Layers’ panel to set the default at Layer0 AND LEAVE IT THERE. (In 2020 onwards, it’s the pencil icon in the right hand column.)
In SU 2018:
In SU 2020-21
Assigning layers/tags other than Layer0/Untagged to edges and faces leads to all sorts of confusion and difficulties when things become invisible, or geometry tangles with other geometry that was invisible when you draw new geometry, and/or move some.
These mistakes in using SU will make it more difficult for you to edit the model in future, and to control its presentation in either SU or Layout.
Normally, when using the Select tool, and one triple clicks on loose geometry, SU will select all connected geometry. There’s so much in the model that this is only working one face at a time when all visibility tags/layers are visible.
With all layers turned off except Layer0/Untagged, Pardoseala (Flooring) and Pereti (Walls), I get a more manageable collect of loose edges and faces, mixed with some other items.
Delete these tags and reassign Layer0 to their geometry.
But a little further inspection shows other faces and edges have layers other than Layer0 assigned.
Download and install either Cleanup 3 or Default Layer Geometry and run it with all layers turned ‘on’, to assign the Layer0 tag to all edges and faces.
Make relevant parts of the building into components such as external walls, internal walls, or other objects.
- Many of the faces of the building are reversed - this isn’t evident in the Hidden Line style in which you saved your model, but becomes easy to see in View/Face style/Monochrome.
Correct the reversed faces - mostly you’ll have to do this one at a time. Then make parts of the walls and floors into components. To control visibility, assign layers ONLY to components, not geometry - faces or edges.
- Set up scenes for the views you want to show in Layout, set the visibility tags the way you want them in each scene then Update the scene. When you get this popup,
accept the default Save as a new style, and Create Scene.
If you don’t get this popup, turn it back on in Preferences - check the box Warn of style changes when creating scenes.
Your model is still large and unwieldy. To make it less so, use the extension SB Statistics Probe (from SketchUcation Plugin Store, not Extension Warehouse) to examine which elements of your model contain most edges, and see if you can simplify them.
One way is to replace complex and very detailed geometry with an image or images. This shows that this group contributes most to the face and edge count - the desk I showed earlier with all the pencils and pencil boxes.
The next ‘heaviest’ is this group of foliage.
Do watch the Sketchup Essentials videos at learn.sketchup.com to make sure you understand the basics of using groups, components, and layers, and be more careful about downloading over-detailed objects from the 3D Warehouse. Watch the file size and polygon count, and use models with smaller values of both to get a more manageable, if less richly detailed, model of your own.
@colin has uploaded a partially cleaned up version of your model, and if you continue from there, and try some of my suggestions, you may have better luck exporting to Layout. But be prepared to be very patient, and turn off as many layers as you can to reduce the display load on your computer for each particular scene or view. Turn off any layer that contains objects that aren’t visible in the camera position and view for that scene.
Good luck.
I trust he’ll pick Colin’s file !
My file was only the things 2021 fixed, and not anywhere near as good as John outlined! But it’s a start.
I have found this “Goldilocks” extension a quick way of identifying rogue models and textures
When I opened the file in SU 2021, and tried Fix problems, it said no fixes were needed. Though I think that was after I had purged the file.
What kind of fixes did you see were applied?
yeah I know, I was kidding ! john’s post is amazing
SketchUp 2021 fixes things automatically, and if you don’t have Preferences set to tell you what it fixed, you may not know it had fixed them. Then when you manually go to fix it, there’s nothing left to fix.
All the fixes were for a duplicate persistent id option. That is something that has changed over time, and it may be that every element in the file needed its ID repairing.
As an illustration of how more efficient modelling can drastically reduce file size and edge counts, I re-modelled one of the 120 pencil box groups.
The original pencil box:
Saved out as a component, file size 3.7MB, with 91,312 edges and 13 component instances, (of three different pens), but the other pens are all groups, or a group of components, further varied with different cap colours. The lettering on this group of pens is all carefully drawn geometry, mostly reversed, and some of the pens aren’t actually in the box but outside it.
To simplify this, I made a face-me component image of most of the pens, after deleting those not in the box, and flipped the image horizontally to get the lettering the right way round.
And simplified the box itself, which had barely visible bevelled edges and rounded corners:
The resulting box and imaged pencils looks like this:
This component is a fraction of the file size at ~470KB, and instead of 91,000-odd edges, has only 41.
Box and pens - imaged.skp (468.9 KB) Box and pens - solid.skp (3.7 MB)
Looking at this image, can you easily tell which is which?