Hello, I’m copying a face off of Sketchup and pasting in Layout. I’m trying to get measurements to the fabricators so they can cut the parts I need. I need x and y measurements. Whenever the measurements fall outside of the part it reverts back to paper dimension. It has to be a simple fix. I’m just frustrated
part10.layout (43.3 KB)
Part10 sketchup.skp (69.4 KB)
I’m going to guess you have not set a scene appropriately in your model, probably not Camera Top and Parallel Projection.
You layout file probably has last saved sketchup view.
I’m not able to check your actual files at this time.
Your are not in a parallel projection
Just set your SketchUp viewport to Ortho mode and you will get the measurements you need.
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Do I need to add a second larger face in Sketchup and copy both of them so the measuring would be done within the second larger face?
How are you getting the Sketchup Model window to open in layout?
Thank you for the help.
I found it on the right side. It is working thank you.