Sometimes a good old ‘turning the computer down and starting fresh again’ helps. A lot of Mac-users do not turn the computer off at all, only use the sleep-mode.
Then , I would try a reinstall by downloading here
Just drag (click the left button) the SketchUp folder on the Applications folder and let go!
This is the correct way to install on a Mac. There will be a subfolder (SketchUp 2018) in the Application folder with the three apps:
Do not open
This is the WRONG way, so do not try this at home!:
As @slbaumgartner mentioned, opening an instance on the Mounted Volume creates multiple instances on “Trimble islands” were you can acces LayOut in SketchUp
Dragging the SketchUp application logo from the Mounted Image to a different location
This is the worst method and results in multiple “Islands” were SketchUp doesn’t see layOut anymore…