I was using 2021 for layout. When tapping in pages tab to navigate my page layouts we go into spinning rainbow and have to force quit. Now can’t do anything with pages. Help quickly. (I downloaded 2025 today…same thing)
Does this happen on any file or on a specific file? Is it possible your file is very large with lots of polys? What do you have your viewports rendering set to, Vector, Hybrid? Can you post the Layout File here so we can evaluate?
Specific file. 133.8mb. Many instances of a complex component in SU file. One view is vector hybrid all the others raster.
what is file size limit
Thats pretty big for a SU file. How many edges in the model? Could be the Vector viewport is taking a long time to calculate all the edges, maybe let it sit for a while and see if it eventually comes through. Consider adjusting edit resolution to low and using output override to keep all viewports raster in the working file and vector on output.
It’s not a strict file size limit but a limit to the number of edges your computer can calculate in vector rendering. More edges, more time to crunch the numbers, as a general rule things get laggy somewhere around 1-3 million edges and start to lock up more quickly beyond that, in loose broad strokes, your milage may vary.
changed edit resolution from high to medium…in a not responding mode again! letting it think for a while. how long?
how do I know the number of edges
There isn’t a file size limit, but by experience when someone has a file that big is because models from the 3D warehouse are being used, unnecesary large textures among other things, if you share your sketchup or layout file we could help you to optimize it a bit so it could be more manageable for layout. You must use wetransfer, dropbox, google drive or any other platform you prefer to share files bigger than 16mb.
Go to window/model Information/statistics
I made several modifications to the SU file, deleted warehouse cars, simplified the model, etc. Now I cant even update the reference file in layout?!? Now what?
SU file has less than 3m edges. The LO file does have a couple jpgs???
If I upload to a dropbox is this for the WWW to view? Or is there a more secure way?
FYI - MAC specs….2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7, 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 memory, Graphics Card - AMD Radeon R9 M370X 2 GB
It would be available for anyone in the forum to download. If you want you could send a PM to @francisquitof with the link to the file. Then he’ll be the only one who can access the link.