Layout not recognising Sketchup file when imported or inserted

That is great info. Thank you so much.

I get most of my materials from It never occurred to me that the material size would have such an impact. If you don’t mind another round of questions: how do you know what the ideal size is and is the Material Resizer a native tool? If you know of a good tutorial on this I’d love a referral! Regardless, thank you again. You’ve been extremely generous with your knowledge and time.

You’re welcome.

The ideal size for materials isn’t a straightforward thing to figure out. It depends on how the material is being used and what it adds to the information you need to convey. I often see plant components that have large texture images for leaves and even stems in many cases these plants are really very minor players and the textures can’t be seen. In that case the textures could probably be replaced with simple colors and not really lose anything. You need to assess the materials in your models and how important they are to the story. Don’t make them any larger than they need to be to be recognizable.

The Material Resizer is an extension from the Extension Warehouse.

I’m sorry. I can’t point to specific tutorials on this subject.