I need urgent help here - I use SU + Layout all the time, today Layout is crashing everytime I try to open it, SketchUp is
working fine but can’t get Layout to open at all, any clues to help?
I’m checking into some things, but while I do that, does LayOut crash before the welcome screen, when you open a file, when you start a new document?
I see your 14 bugsplats from today, and I have asked one of the LayOut developers to take a look. It is 8:40pm for us, so I’m not sure when he will see my message.
I will be online for about three hours, then again before you are awake tomorrow. I will check to see if there is any updates from you or the developer.
Thank you Colin, the welcome screen comes on then a greyed out Layout page opens for a while and then crashes.
How many monitors do you have? Are things better with one monitor, or if you have both monitors mirrored?
Yes, I can chat now. I have 2 screens + laptop, but can change the setup if necessary.
The chat question was a private message. Can you find that, and reply with a phone number.
For anyone following along, the appdata LayOut folder seemed to have problems. By deleting %AppData%\SketchUp\SketchUp 20201, LayOut was able to rebuild the folder, and then things were ok.
We did copy across the SketchUp and LayOut plugins and templates folders across, so that the refreshed folders had the existing extensions and templates.
Awesome, thanks Colin for your after hours time and persistence,great service, problem solved !