Layout crashing opening file that was ok yesterday

I have a layout file that worked fine yesterday, and today is crashing on opening. It doesnt even give me enough time to send the report bug. I have logged a report.
Incident Identifier: E1B9FB03-1C07-441D-9194-07E746A5687E
CrashReporter Key: 05773ACB-FF8D-532A-838D-10FBFAAFC3CD

I can see in the background there looks to be a ! on a drawing link, but in the two seconds before it crashes this disappears, the best I can do is a screen capture before it crashes.

The backup file also crashes.

The file itself is linked to a 3D model of which I have multiple other layout files linked to the same model, and they are working fine.
I have now updated the latest version of sketchup (24.0.598) to see if that would help, but it hasn’t. What are my next options? Please help! Bee.

Can you share the LayOut file so we can see if we can help you?

29921_TeaTreeCottage_20240923_Architect-Documentation-Details.layout (11.3 MB)

Here we go…

Weird. I see a few issues with the SketchUp model file but even after fixing them I get a silent crash a moment or so after it opens.It might be that @adam can determine what is causing the crash.

Thanks for taking a look!

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Sorry I didn’t have any success getting it sorted. If you’re interested in the issues I found with your SU model, let me know. I don’t think any of them are involved in the issue with your LO file. I am wondering as I think about it if there could be something you might have added from the 3D Warehouse that is causing this. I’ll keep trying.

TBH, I don’t see anything suspicious.

What were the last things you added to the LO file?

Thanks, i’m very interested. How do you find and fix issues, other than through the model info/fix problems dialogue? I’ve run a purge in the model, and a few versions ago got rid of all unnecessary furniture etc, as there was a bit in there from concept. Perhaps there is a ghost legacy issue from one of those now-deleted items.
The other files are using this same SU model okay.

I have a standard procedure I go through whenever I get a model from any other user. First step is to fix incorrect tag usage. In your model there was a little of that Probably from some object added from the Warehouse.

Then I purge unused stuff.

I also check the model for excessively large textures. Your model ad three or four that were larger than they need to be but not obese like I often see.

As far as your LO file goes, I’ve deleted a bunch of stuff from it in an attempt to identify what the offender is but with no luck. I’m about to start deleting components in the SketchUp model to see what happens. It’s slow going though. Also, it’s entirely possible that the file is just corrupted somehow. I have determined it’s something in the SketchUp model that is causing the problem.

Where have you been saving the file while working on it? Have you tried opening the backup version of the LayOut file?

I figured it out sort of . I deleted the bathroom fixture components from the model and I can now open the LayOut file without a crash. I’m not sure yet which bathroom fixture it is but I’ll see if I can identify it.

I figured it out. It’s the vanity components with the accordion fronts. I deleted them from the model and the LO file seems to play nicely for me now. There may be some things that still need attention but the file quit crashing for me.

Tea Tree Cottage DR.layout (10.3 MB)

Thanks!! The LO file you’ve sent now works when I open it.

In my current SU model ive deleted the vanities, purged and attempted to relink the file, but it goes back to crashing.

Practically speaking I can now restructure my file to pull out the elevations and just update the details as I need to, but in the event I have to change the elevations to reflect a working model (if things change during construction), what else did you delete to get to the point of it working?

Thanks a million!!!

The LayOut file is really a ZIP file. I opened it using an unzipping utility and extracted the contents to a folder. Then I found the SketchUp file in the ref folder and edited it from there. After making a change and saving it I zipped up all the files and changed the extension to .layout. The first few components I tried deleting didn’t fix it so I undid the deletion and tried something else. Rinse and repeat until I found the offender.

Instead of doing that, open the LO file that I sent, right click on a viewport, choose Open with SketchUp. Then when the file is open, use Save as to replace your old LO file. Continue using the LO file I shared and maybe just delete the crashing one to get it out of your hair.

Okay will do, thanks again!

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