Layout dimension numbers

just downloaded 2025 and in layout, opened a current project and dimension line numbers are missing. Saw one suggestion that it could be under a layer- I don’t think it is but not 100% sure. Any help appreciated- Thanks!

Share the LO file so we can see what you’ve got set up and possibly help you.

Please update your forum profile. It shows you are using SketchUp 2021.

how do I share it?

If it’s less than 16 Mb drag it into your reply here. Otherwise upload it to DropBox or We Transfer and share the link.

Too big. Need help w the other 2 options. Where is your dropbox? Or how to transfer?

You can set up your own free DropBox or We Transfer account to share the file.

here it is. I am leaving for a meeting in about 15 so I might not see this until 3.
Did it work? I just tried to click on it and it doesn’t look like it did

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I did get the file. I’m looking at it.

I’ve never seen this in LayOut before. I wasn’t able to fix your file but by copying the contents page by page to a new document the dimensions reappeared. I did noticed that you’ve got several SketchUp files as references.

The second to the last reference is the backup file of the original working file. Generally that’s not a great thing since you wind up needing to deal with two different files that ought to be identical. Changes in one of those .skp files won’t translate to any viewports linked to the other. Best practice is to avoid working in the backup copy of the .skp file (the one with the ~ at the end of the file name) and only work in the main .skp file. Also avoid using the backup copy in LayOut.

In the copy of the LayOut file I replaced the viewport that was tied to the backup with the scene from the original working file so as to eliminate the backup as a reference.

I looked at the “TerresKit” .skp file and note incorrect tag usage. Untagged should be left active at all times. ALL edgess and faces should be created and remain untagged. Only groups and components should be given tags. Here you can see Untagged is not active.

This is the result of fixing the incorrect tag usage.

FWIW, I decided to leave the incorrect tag usage in the model but you should clean that up.

I also purged unused stuff from that model. No need to keep all that unused stuff. It just bloats the file without adding any benefit.

And I purged the Hays .skp file although I wonder if it even belongs in this LayOut project.

After removing the bloat and the other fixes, the resulting LayOut file is less than half the size of yours. I’ll upload it to DropBox and send you the link by DM. You can extract the purged SketchUp model files from the LayOut file by right clicking on a viewport and choosing Open with SketchUp. I would do that and immediately save the files into your project folder. Then in Document Setup>References, select the .skp file, choose Relink, and pick the file from the project folder. Then going forward do your work on the files you saved and the LayOut file will continue to be linked to them.

If the Hays viewports on the last few pages don’t belong in this document, delete them from the pages and then on the References page click Purge.

wow- thank you so much. I have another meeting soon but pulled this up to look if I could remedy this quickly. As you can see I haphazardly save/open things- I’m self taught and it isn’t as intuitive to me as I’d like. I will look again when I get back to make sure I understand

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Hi, I have got the exact same problem. First Layout file I’ve done using 2025 and I draw the dimension and the number is blank. I know the file is linked to the SU model because when I use a label on the layout viewport it gives the correct dimension. The sqm label works too. See screen grab in the first instance.
I have tried copying the viewport to a new layout file and relinking but it still doesn’t work.
Copied it into Layout 2024 and it works fine and as expected.