Layout Dimension Feature

I have write the user need like me here : Dimension text obscures lines - #6 by AZain29

But, i hope this thread will deeper to reach Sketchup Layout developer.
I hope you guys add these feature (for now at least)

  1. Enable or disable dimension text background
  2. Add space setting from dimension line to dimension text
  3. Add settings for extended dimension line
  4. Possibility save dimension setting as new dimension style. (Use shape style end arrow instead)


Please following:

  1. Select dimension
  2. Press Enter to open the group of the dimension
  3. Select the line you want to change
  4. Change size of arrow (it is using 2 “special arrows” at the start and the end of the line)

Save the file contains dimension has been setup as a scrapbook, then you can use Eye Dropper (Style tool) to copy properties of dimension from Scrapbooks and apply properties to the dimension in the current file.

Save as scrapbook save all object like template, not only a dimension.
But, this is my dimension in Layout 2024

And the shape only set for Dimension arrow size, not the Dimension Extension.

You chosed the wrong line. A group of a dimension has 4 elements.

  1. Text
  2. Dimension line with arrow: tick, dot …
  3. Extension line on the Left
  4. Extension line on the Right

You can create a file contains only dimension, or combine the dimension with some other symbols.

Reference to my template has been share here (free):

The process is as image shown below

Great Job, next will pay for it. Curious how to set the Dimension line Extension (Green Circle). And still get too much far space between Dimension line and dimension Text. for now, i guest the distance depend on Text font and size.

What is possible, I had quoted and answer for you before.

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Oh my boy, i missed this think. i haven’t select the dimension line. So feature request number 4 have been added.