Working on a large construction set in SU2024. For the last month, layout has worked fine, I have been able to update references, use vector and hybrid settings as I please, and generally work pain free in layout.
I made updates to my SU model the other day, saved as a new file for archive purposes. I went into Layout to relink the references to this new updated model, and it crashes before it ever finishes. I’ve tried multiple ways. Relinking when it pops up on opening, relinking each individual viewport (this worked for a while, but began crashing again after updating maybe 10 view ports?). I tried saving after every update it let me do, but now that I am trying to update a larger plan it fully crashes every time.
File is quite large (53 MB) I am using components, have purged the model, checked all of that stuff. Unfortunately this is a professional project and I need a solution to this ASAP in order to meet deadlines.
Any help is appreciated. I do NOT get a bug splat with this. Just the windows program not responding message. I have left it to let itself think for 45 minutes and that does nothing
P.S. I tried to update my profile with my current SU as I see that’s a comment on every post. Not sure how to update it, but as I said I am using PRO 2024.
Computer specs:13th gen i7 processor, 32 gb ram, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060
It would help us help you if you shared the LayOut file. Since it’s so large, upload it to DropBox or WeTransfer and share the link.
Click on the G in the violet circle at the top right of the forum page, click on the person icon, then Preferences, then Profile. Make the updates including the operating system version, scroll to the bottom of the page and save the changes.
“Not Responding” is not necessarily a crash. Usually it just means LayOut is busy doing the last thing it was asked to do and won’t respond to further input from you until it completes that task. There are a number of reasons this might occur. Commonly it happens when changing viewport render type from Raster to Vector or Hybrid or when updating Vector or Hybrid-rendered viewports when there are a lot of edges in the model that need to be rendered. Last night I worked with a user who was experiencing huge delays. Their model had nearly 8 million edges. Many of those edges came from excessively detailed entourage components (furniture, computer hardware, plants, etc.) Replacing them with lower poly components fixed the problem.
Extremely hi res textures in the SketchUp model can also cause poor performance. So too, can hi res images inserted directly into LayOut.
There are other possible problems, too.
In your case, I guess you’ll have to hunt through the model and LO document to see if there’s anything you can trim down.
So more than 5 million edges, 32 images, 213 materials. That seems like a pretty bloated SketchUp file. I would expect LayOut to be slow with that.
BTW, I see you updated the SketchUp version number in your profile but you didn’t put in the operating system version. 2024 is not an operating system.
Going to clean up the model now and see how that works. It’s a 2800 sqft c-store so fairly detailed but a lot of components were built by me, not from the warehouse.
This still does not solve the problem of layout crashing every time I open it. I can’t even update my reference or go to a different page in the file before the program stops responding and prompts me to quit. I have left it to think for some time hoping that would solve it and no matter how little or how much I let the wheel of death load, it still crashes out. Works fine when I am not using this model however.
Apologies I can’t upload the model… This is for work and I work for a large company where I am not allowed to share things, especially proprietary design work under a trademarked brand. Appreciate your help thus far, and I am doing my best to give you the most information I can.
I have views where the color floorplan is an underlay, with a vector overlay for linework. I know this slows the model down a lot but it was working fine before I made updates to my model so I was hoping there was a workaround for that?
Have you tried a cold reboot of your computer? Maybe a complete shut down and restart will help. I would also try updating the graphics drivers with the latest from nVidia.
I understand that you can’t share the LayOut file but this is like a doctor trying to diagnose a problem without being allowed to examine the patient.
Can you install Skethuo & Layout 2023?
I encounter a lot of issues when updating the linked SKP file or exporting into PDF with LO2024.
Mostly using LO2023 works fine…
FWIW, the OP sent me her file privately. I cleaned up the SketchUp and LayOut files and things seem to be working just fine for them. There were some huge textures (one was really just a color but it was 30 thousand pixels wide) and a lot of unneeded edges. Once the textures were reduced to a reasonable size and the number of edges reduced by several million, things worked fine in LayOut 2024. No need to go back to LayOut 2023.