I’m working with Layout for the first time since upgrading to MacOS Sonoma 14.5, and it has been consistently crashing whenever rendering images as Vectors and checking “Auto”. When Auto is not checked and Vector is selected from the dropdown menu, the images continue to be rendered with what appears to be the Raster setting (blurry when zoomed in).
The image being rendered is a simple rectangular shape, taken from a Scene in Sketchup that’s in Parallel Projection, where the face style is set to Monochrome, so nothing complex at all. As soon as the render setting is switched to Vector (with Auto checked) the program immediately crashes and shows a crash report.
Prior to upgrading the OS I never ran into this issue. I can post the crash report here if appropriate, or anything else that would help to diagnose. Thank you!
post the Layout file that crashes so we can try on other machines to determine if it’s a problem with your setup or not. I have been having Layout crashes or hangs when trying to export Vector to PDF on mac.
I’m working with your file now. It does indeed crash when switching the viewport to vector render. I have not isolated any reason, although I have changed many parameters and different styles. Interestingly some of the other scenes will vector render and not crash immediately but they also crash a short while later when trying to change scenes again. I have not seen this behavior on my Layout, however I have had Layout refuse to export as Vector and some other strange behaviors. I think we may need to wait until Monday when staff is back at SU HQ to see if anyone there has insight into why this file does this.
We found that the crash is happening as part of the SketchUp code that LayOut uses to show vectors. The same model will crash SketchUp if you export to PDF. I made a new bug report to cover the SketchUp side of things. SKOR-19282 in our system.
Thank you all for taking a look at this so quickly! FWIW, I was curious if the issue might be related to the specific SketchUp file I was working with, and so I created a new .skp file with a simple shape, sent it to Layout, and it appears to be successfully rendering the image as a vector without crashing. The one issue I’m noticing is that it doesn’t appear to be retaining some style information — in this case the back edge style. Here is a link to this SketchUp file, Layout file, and a pdf exported from Layout, for reference.
FWIW, if you want to show hidden lines similar to what you get with Back Edges turned on, stack two copies of the viewport and change the style for the top one to Wireframe, give the tag a dash style, and render the viewport as Vector.