LayOut — Allow a custom Shortcut for text box Right Click —> “Size to Fit”

In LayOut, the Right Click —> “Size to Fit” command is something I use ALL the time. The only way I know to do this is to right click on the text box (a box with or without an arrow leader), and manually scroll down to click the “size to fit” option. It would greatly increase my workflow if there was an option to create a custom keystroke shortcut for this operation, like many other edit commands available from the main menu & Shortcuts Settings. Thanks!


I do wonder why it is even an option. If you have bounded text then the wrap width is set. If the text exceeds the available space then isn’t the only logical option to increase the text box height to suit?

It may be a hangover from olde publishing workflows, but it seems inappropriate in document labelling and an irritating waste of time.

Not sure what you mean but I am using size to fit a lot.

Maybe I haven’t it worked out such that I don’t need to use it…?

It don’t work with Mac but I use AutoHotKey to set a shortcut to invoke the context menu and activate size to fit.

For sure Layout is falling short with no shortcuts for some commands – lock/unlock is another one which I access via AutoHotKey.

I’m saying LO should be intelligent enough to hit the “Size to fit” button automatically. It is smart enough to show a red overflow arrow when the text doesn’t fit… so just resize the box for the text. If the user doesn’t like the result (unlikely) then they can change the wrap width.