It is a demanding model, and takes a while to open. 107 of the materials are rather large (some are over 11,000 pixels wide). Making those be smaller reduces the file size by 60 MB, and it then opens a bit quicker.
Is there a way with Enscape where you could use proxies for materials and components?
For the repeated CLoop error, is there a particular action you do that then makes the error reappear? Some bit of geometry you’re making has a problem.
It opened for me although it is quite slow due to its size. I haven’t got Enscape installed, though. Perhaps that’s the issue.
I did see lots of incorrect tag usage in the file.
No unused components or materials to purge but lots of very large texture images. Some of them appear to be duplicates and a number of them probably don’t even need to be textures. Colors would suffice.
I see Colin has replied so I’ll leave it at that.
thanks Colin, ill reduce the material image sizes and tidy up duplicates… the error appears everytime i save. i have all people and most planst as proxies but i did load a very heavy stool (30MB) which was scaled by 100 times it actual size originally and it seems to have created problems
Is this the stool you referred to? If so, the definition needs to be scaled and do the definitions of the objects inside the component. That could certainly cause problems for you if it’s not done.
This is a good example of why the advice is given to download objects into a separate SketchUp file so they can be checked and fixed if needed or rejected before adding them to your project file.
Edit: Looks like you have more of that in the file. The narrow table has the same issue as does the bench. Note that Scale Definition is black in the context menu.