I have a file that multiple users have been accessing yesterday at the latest but now failed to open. We keep getting “Failed to open document” warning, even after changing file location, copying new file, changing file name.
Thanks! It was discovered on the 25th that it was un-openable, so the last actual access date was indeed the 24th. It has only been uploaded to sharepoint for access on the forum.
Colin might be able to tell you what was corrupting your file but I had a look at it out of curiosity. After fixing the incorrect tag usage …
… and purging unused stuff from the model …
… the file size was reduced by 59%. It’s possible that some component or material in the model was acting up.
It would be worth your while to clean up the model before you go further with it.
There is some action that leads to duplicate IDs for some of the model entities. We still don’t know what the action is that causes the problem. It would be amazing if we had a model before whatever that action is, and could then do the same action and get the problem every time. If you have any ideas what the last things you had done before the file would not read, try doing those same things on a copy of the file, then see if the file still opens ok.
Hello , i’m new here in this forum . I have the same problem which " Failed to open document " . I’ve tried opening on another devices , transfer and download it again , rename but nothing work . Can I get some help ?
Here’s the file from your .skb file. While I had it open I did my standard cleanup. First I fixed incorrect tag usage.
Ten I purged unused stuff. There’s no need to be hoarding all those components and materials.
This reduced the file size by nearly 83%, well within the forum’s upload limit. When the file opens it will be shown in the Monochrome face style withProfiles turned off to make it easier for your computer to handle the model. You’ll note visible blue back faces as you look around the model. You should correct their orientation so you only have white front faces visible. LAYOUT DESIGN 2 1ST FLOOR purged.skp (13.7 MB)
You should also be making groups and component of objects you create in the model. All of the walls, windows, doors, etc are loose geometry. This will make it more difficult for you to work with the model.
Placing a copy of it there is OK but before youu open the file, download it to the internal drive on your computer. This will make it less likely that you’ll have issues with saves and autosaves.
Why not use your Trimble Connect storage? You can publish your models to Trimble Connect and then access them when you need them. You’ll also end up with a history of the files so you can go back to an earlier version when needed. Still a good idea to keep a copy locally, too.
I looked at what might have changed in the SKP since the SKB was saved. The SKP has a few things corrupted in it that make it not possible to recover anything. Two of the corrupt things are materials, named Kadinsky_cover.jpg and LeavesDead0045_1_S.jpg. I don’t see either of those in the SKB file.
Were those materials that belonged to something you have only just imported? If so, what was it that you imported?
Do you remember what the last 3D Warehouse model was that you added, and is it still present in the file Dave gave you? Make sure to keep a copy of the fixed file before you add more components.