Is Sketch-up sponsored by the Super Glue Corporation?

Not really looking to do anything complex, just put one shape on top of another, yet when I so much as touch the edge of the another object with another, and then try to move it, they’ve stuck together. Is there a ‘GLUE EVERYTHING TOGETHER’ option in the menu somewhere that I’m missing? Or a ‘COVER EVERY OBJECT WITH STICKY STUFF’. Is Sketch-up sponsored by the Super Glue Corporation? I’m obviously missing something.

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Unless you create components or groups from geometry you are drawing, as you draw them, SketchUp DOES cause all the geometry to stick together.

Try following the tutorials at and learn about the use of components, groups, and tags (formerly called layers).

As a newbie, I too am flummoxed by this unexpected and undesired behavior. I searched the tutorial and found no help. And for my beginner needs, I can’t commit the time to read it all. I’m saddened that no tip was offered in this thread. I sadly conclude this tool and its community is not supportive of casual users.

It’s originally intended for designing and easy manipulating geometry:

Source: waaayback machine….

Your conclusion couldn’t be farther from the truth. If you can’t be bothered to learn the basics of SketchUp we can’t do much for you.

So… you searched it but didn’t read it ? kinda counterproductive don’t you think ? It’s a software, take the time to learn how to use it. read the tutorials, and do the exercices.

Yeas, geometry is sticky. by creating groups and components, you can design stuff without stickiness.
that’s the way this software works. a soup of raw geometry, and groups + components float at the surface.

I don’t know, you posted a single message since you joined us, and I just solved the issue you described. what more did you expect from us ?

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The stickiness is sort of the basic idea of SketchUp. You draw edges that combine into faces that can then be pulled into 3D shapes whose parts can then be moved to modify them…
Making groups or components then separates the created objects.

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