Is it recommended find center before drawing a sphere?

Hi guys.

Do you think it’s recommended to use find center option before drawing a sphere to make easier to place it in the right place and draw new shapes using that point as reference or it’s not needed because there is some easy way to approach this issue?

I think it’s useful.

Thanks in advance.

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So do I.
Or in case of a sphere component, have the local origin right in the center.

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Thanks for your fast answer sharing the way you do @g.h.hubers :wink:

Honestly, I almost never use the find center option. Maybe once in a blue moon. Since circles are usually drawn with an amount of edges divisible by four, I can inference the quadrants to find the centerpoint. Also, you can inference the centerpoint on the circle used to make the sphere, but only if you make it a part of the sphere. The only time I’d use a centerpoint is if multiple objects need it for reference or if I’m making a mechanical drawing. Although, I can see how it’d be useful to find the centerpoint before drawing the sphere. It might make things easier in the long run.

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Thanks mate. :slight_smile:

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I can think of a lot of cases where Find Center is very useful. That said, if the center of a the geometry (sphere in this case) is going to be used for something such as locating the sphere relative to other entities, I would definitely place the origin at the center when I make the component. And drawing the sphere centered on the model origin makes everything easier.

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I didn’t think about making it a component, that way to work looks even better to me. :joy:

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Were you just going to leave it as loose geometry?

Yep, I mean … it makes more sense what you proposed, now I feel dumb :slight_smile:
I changed your post as solution because I agree with that way to work, more clean.

What are you actually doing with the sphere? I assume it’s part of something else?

I was doing some “drafts” trying to replicate something I saw in the 3D warehouse, just to enjoy some minutes, it was a ducky wood toy (or something like that) and the sphere (a part of it) was the head.

I’m not the author but I took this model as reference:

Wasn’t that the same as in my answer, … local origin at the center of the sphere component?

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I would just use follow me to make the head.

As forestr showed, no point in drawing the whole sphere when you only need part of it.

And in that case, I would make the component so its origin is near the bottom center to make it easier to put onto the body. Well, I’d draw everything in place so I don’t need to worry about placing the head on the body but on the off chance the head component would get reused, I’d put the origin where it makes it easy to insert the component.

I’d also draw the bill so it fits the head correctly.

If you’re going to make the little ducks, too, I would make their components unique and scale the definitions so they don’t cause any problems. I like to head off problems before they occur but that’s just me.

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If I’m moving spheres around a lot to allingn to various things then sometimes I’ll add a guide point at the center bottom of the sphere bounds (or even at the center-center) using Guide Tools. This makes 'em easier to grab and locate quickly.

I checked as solution again the first answer, I apologize for the inconveniences.

I inspected the geometry the head of 3d warehouse model and it was made with a sphere and probably two rectangle intersecting it. I used the center point to place the center of one rectangle on it and then moving it blocking along one of the the axes.

This is the one from the 3d warehouse model:


And this one with the follow me tool as you suggested (faster):


@DaveR, does it occur to you some kind of issue can appear not doing the little ducks unique and just resizing the duck (component with other ones nested it)?, and I have another question, if you want to set the center of a sphere on the origin of the component, will you use the find center option at first or what steps would be?

There can be issues if you want to later use copies of the component and you expect them to be the smaller size. We see this quite frequently with smaller components in the 3D Warehouse. At least they should be smaller but they were draw at a large scale and the component definition was never corrected. I’ve run into this numerous times and it’s one of the reasons I usually prefer to make my own components instead of using ones by others.

As g.h. hubers indicated, I would make the whole process simple Draw the circle for the path and the one for the profile centered on the model origin. After Follow Me, select the sphere, hit G to create a component and give it a name. Before completing the component creation, choose Set Component Axes and place the component’s axes so the origin is on the model origin and the axes align with the model axes. Switch to X-ray face style so you can see the origin.


Thank you so much for the info and for showing me the way to do it.
I guess you barely increase the file size making component uniques if you are using the same nested components.

The small amount of file size increase is surpassed by the benefits of having components instead of a mess of loose geometry or groups.

If I remember correctly, I believe groups actually use more memory than components anyway.

I’ve been trying to get away from just grouping geometry and actually creating what I need as a component.