I am struggling to get this right and I don’t know if it is possible to achieve
I have a bunch of polygons imported from autocad (dwg, I have not tried dxf yet)
I get the whole group of polygons (plots) in 1 component, I explode that component and I get another level of isolated plot (polygons) but again in isolated components
Exploding to raw geometry is supposed to merge all of the connected geometry. To avoid that don’t explode the objects. If you need to create separate objects, open the component for editing, select the geometry you want to keep together and make a component or group to contain it.
Why are you exploding the components in the first place?
I am using a plugin for urban design called modelur and it has to identify the root level of the sketch up file (in this case the polygon/plot) please image below
If I do it like that I have to go one by one, opening the component exploding them and converting them into modeler entities. I have like 3500 polygons/plots
The “stickiness” of geometry is a fundamental part of LayOut. collecting edges and faces into group or component containers is the way you keep geometry from merging. Again, that’s basic to the operation of SketchUp.