Intersect Faces Problem

I have an aluminum extrusion, moderately complex, and I want to drill a hole through it. I have tried to do this using Intersect Faces with no reasonable result. Extrusion Test.skp (1.1 MB)

This uploaded example shows the extrusion with a guide point where I want to drill a hole of 1/2 inch radius down through the extrusion. Please help me understand how to do this in Sketchup.

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Extrusion Test.skp (139.5 KB)

Try scaling up by a factor of 100 or 1000 before doing the intersection.

Yes, excellent. It looks like I’ll have to use this trick when I create the extrusion, because I see that it has a few ‘glitches’ in it.

My normal procedure is to do as much modeling of the component at normal size and then make a component of it before I do anything that might create problem geometry. I scale a copy of the component up by 100 or 1000 and do what I need to do. When I’m finished, I close the large copy of the component and delete it. Zoom Extents returns to the original which is all nice and pretty.

Thanks for the tip.


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Dave, thanks again for your help. I have a posting in the Features Requests category and wonder if you could comment on it.


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