I am trying to import models but it does not work and my file get block, It makes a sound and I can´t save neither close the file
You need to be more specific so someone can help you.
What version of Sketchup are you using? If it is 2016 or earlier, you cannot now usually import directly from the warehouse. Please complete your user profile.
What particular model (provide a link) are you trying to import?
What steps are you using to try to import a model?
Do you get any error message?
Thank you. I have been using sketchup since more or less 9 years so and I never had this problem importing models
I have the latest sketchup licence but I have not load 2019 version because when I tried to do it i got a message telling me that my computer cant support this version Obviously I can
t chage my computer
I continue using 2016 version
This is the message i get
“Hi there! 3D Warehouse is designed for modern web browsers. For best results, we recommend updating to the newest version of any [modern web browser](Redirecting | 3D Warehouse”
Nevertheless if I achieve activating the download button when the question “do you want to download directky into your file (or similar)” my file block and I have to turn off my computer because I can’t even close the file or have any other fuction in my pc
I pay a licence ¿I cant use 3d warehouse because I can
t download new version?
The 3D Warehouse only supports the last three versions of SketchUp. You can use your internet browser to download Collada files from the 3D Warehouse and import them into SketchUp 2016.
You may find some components still available from the 3D Warehouse if you access it through the Components panel instead of the 3D Warehouse window.
Hi Dave. I tried to download sketchup and collada file in internet browser but everytime I imported it in my sketchup2017, it is not loading. Do you have any suggestion what else can i do?
What is the thing you tried to download? Maybe it ended up in your model file but it’s positioned where you can’t see it. How about sharing your project SketchUp file so we can see what you’ve got?
Thank you. I can see the model now.
2022 SketchUp Pro on Windows 11. Having trouble importing from the Warehouse. Previously (with Windows 10) had no issues. Now it says the object is downloading but it does not appear on screen.
What is the object? Can you share your model so we can see what’s going on?
See if what I wrote here might be what is going on for you:
Short version is that if Materials is showing and expanded, and set to Colors in Model, inserting models from 3D Warehouse can be very slow.
I decided to just search the Warehouse from my browser, download from there. Then open the object in a new app window, then copy and paste the object to my model window. A few extra steps but not terrible. I don’t really have the graphics setup needed for a complex model but dealing with it.
There’s probably a simple solution to your problem without resorting to the gymnastics you describe. Sharing your file would help us help you. If you’re satisfied with the process you are using, though, that’s fine then.
I tried several different objects…none of them downloaded.
How do I share the model file?
Drag the .skp file into a reply. If it’s larger than 16 Mb, upload it to DropBox or Google Drive and share the link.
Here’s the file link:
Transit148 table stowed.skp
Are you working in SketchUp Free (web)?
Specifically what objects are you trying to insert from the 3D Warehouse?
I found a couple of copies of a partial bike component. They have the Bike tag which was turned off. If that’s the component and it’s coming from the Warehouse, it wouldn’t show while the tag’s visibility is turned off.
It would be a good idea to group the geometry for the van and make sure that face orientation is correct. There are a lot of exposed blue back faces in your model.
Also make sure you are using tags correctly. All edges and faces should be created and remain untagged. Only groups and components should be given tags. I fixed that and purged unused stuff from your model.
Transit148 table stowed purged.skp (14.5 MB)
SketchUp Pro 2022 on my desktop. The bike component is something I created and subsequently replaced with a different bike object I was able to download from the Warehouse (before I ran into my current issue). It’s tagged and meant to be turned off.
Objects I tried to download are a Bose wall mount speaker and a push button switch. Was able to get both from the browser version of the Warehouse and are in the model I shared.
Thanks for the tip on using tags. I believe everything in the model is facing in the right direction. All that said, how do I resolve the download from Warehouse issue?
Also what is an “exposed blue back face”?
Clearly the face orientation in much of the model is not correct. If it was the blue back faces would ot be visible.
You still haven’t told us what components you were trying to download from the Warehouse. I’m not having any difficulty with inserting components here.
Maybe it is as you say that your computer isn’t up to the task but I don’t really think this model is that intense of a graphics load.
What is an “exposed blue back face”?